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Wasim Akram and Ravi Shastri among 54 named as Cricket Australia’s Multicultural Ambassadors for two years source: Cricket Australia – CA Multicultual Media  Melbourne, 22 May 2024: Cricket Australia is proud to launch its Multicultural Ambassador Program, naming 54 people with diverse background and experience across government, business, sport, media and community as the as the inaugural representatives. Announced as a key action from the Australian Cricket Multicultural Action Plan, the Ambassador Program brings together esteemed leaders from various sectors to advocate for inclusivity and drive positive change within the sport and wider community. The list of ambassadors includes many past and current players, as well as industry and community leaders, who will champion diversity and support the goals outlined in the Multicultural Action Plan. Inaugural ambassadors include Usman Khawaja, Mel Jones, Wasim Akram, Ravi Shastri, Lisa Sthalekar, Kishwar Chowdhury, Alana King, Peter Varghese, Swati Dave and Fawad Ahmed. The ...

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Rich legend of Lumbini – By Dr.Gamini Kariyawasam. Lumbini Vansaya Book PDF DOWNLOAD – Click Here This year’s Vesak festival brings cherished memories of the enchanting Lumbini, the birthplace of Prince Siddhartha. As we celebrate, it’s the perfect moment to delve into the rich legend of Lumbini, illuminated by recent archaeological discoveries. This article aims to bring the ancient allure of this sacred site to life, revealing its hidden stories and newfound treasures.                                         – “Ananda, Lumbini is the birthplace of the Tathagatas ( Lord Buddha ) . It is a place where the devotees have to see and understand the impermanent nature. One who worships this place will be born in heaven after death in a good soul.”                                  According to the Maha Parnirvana Sutra, Lumbini where Gautama Buddha was born, Buddha Gaya where he attained Buddhahood, Isipatanarama where he preached the Dhamma Chakra Sutra, and ...

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BOROBUDUR – A JOURNEY TO NIRVANA – by Bernard VanCuylenburg Lost and forgotten, the temple lay in the heart of a thick forest embraced by a mantle of green, its ancient walls smothered by vines, ferns and shrubs of every description. By day and at night, the only sounds were those of the leopard, or the shrieking of monkeys, the piercing trill of birds, and other denizens of the jungle.  For over a thousand years, Borobudur the largest Buddhist monument in the world, was a word that was only a spectral memory, confined to the realms of invisibility. The eternal reverie of this architectural marvel came back to life in 1815 when it was rediscovered by a Dutch Engineer working under Sir Thomas Raffles the Governor of Java. This chance discovery which was one of the greatest archaeological discoveries at the time revealed the magnitude of the builders and architect’s ...

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Resistant starchy foods play a significant role in managing diabetes and promoting good health. – By Dr. Harold Gunatillake Scientists have discovered a simple   way to cook rice that dramatically   cuts the calories.   Hello viewers, today’s topic may come as a shock, but it will be welcome news for  people with diabetes who are often restricted in their dietary choices. Your  endocrinologist will tell you you must limit your carbohydrate intake to low-glycemic  index (GI) foods and control your gastric load (GL).  As you know, all dietary carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and absorbed  through the gut into the portal veins, which then go directly to the liver.  When glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream, it causes an immediate spike in  blood sugar levels, especially in people with diabetes. This can lead to a range of  symptoms and, if not managed, can have serious long-term effects on health.   ...

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A SONG OF PRAISE – By Charles Schokman A good way to start the day and thank God for His Goodness and for all our life He has been faithful. A beautiful rendition of this song by a beautiful family Give God all the praise I love You, Lord Oh, your mercy never failed me All my days, I’ve been held in your hands From the moment that i wake up Until i lay my head Oh, i will sing of the goodness of God And all my life you have been faithful And all my life you have been so, so good With every breath that i am able Oh, i will sing of the goodness of God I love your voice You have led me through the fire And in darkest night you are close like no other I’ve known you as a Father I’ve known you as ...

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Coconut Oil Garlic Bread with Coriander – By Malsha – eLanka   A healthier and flavorful twist on traditional garlic bread, this recipe uses coconut oil and fresh coriander for a unique taste. Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups bread flour 1/4 cup warm milk (can be made from powdered milk) 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon yeast 1 tablespoon coconut oil A pinch of salt 2 tablespoons softened butter 2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves 3 cloves garlic, chopped Instructions: Prepare the Yeast: In a large bowl, combine the warm milk, sugar, and yeast. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes foamy, indicating the yeast has activated. Make the Dough: Add the bread flour and a pinch of salt to the yeast mixture. Knead the mixture by hand until it starts to come together. Add the coconut oil and continue to knead until the dough forms a ...

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