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HERMAN PERERA – Writer / Director / Producer – FILM MAKER – Sunny Mansion  Source: hermanpererafilms Herman, an out-of-the-box thinker, is proud of his academic qualifications and experience in seven professions, namely in Creative Arts (Film & TV), Counseling, Human Resource Management, Legal Studies, Training & Development, Marketing, and Food & Beverage Operations. He has been attached to the hospitality/service industry since 1981. A Professional Hotelier and a University Lecturer made the unbelievable decision to turn into a filmmaker to fulfill a childhood dream since migrating to Australia in 2008. The passion-driven motivation for his new life journey made him set clear objectives and the primary focus was to establish himself in the international film festival circuit with three short films, before aiming to direct his first feature. Therefore, Herman took film directing courses at Open Channel and the Australian Film Base and did a course on Modern Cinematography conducted ...

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HPL FACTORY OFFICERS EMPOWERED WITH THE LATEST STRATEGIES OF INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY – By Nisal Rukshan Every industry needs to acquire new knowledge and strategies to rise in the market with competitiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency. By considering these emerging needs, the G&G group of companies Hatton Plantations (HPL) PLC recently upgraded the knowledge of the group of factory officers offering career training conducted by the National Institute of Plantation Management. The course was conducted with the objectives of upgrading the skills and capabilities of tea factory officers regarding quality and productivity in tea manufacture, familiarizing participants with modern technologies and improved methods in tea manufacture and factory management, and creating awareness of market expectations. The Modules of Technical/Management/Marketing were included in the program under the subjects of General Aspects of Tea Manufacture, Tea Manufacturing Process, Recent Advanced Methods in Tea Processing, Energy Management in Tea Factories, CTC Manufacture, Machinery and ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – I refuse to be discouraged – By Charles Schokman “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”  (2 Corinthians 4:8-9) I refuse to be discouraged, I refuse to be discouraged, To be sad, or to cry; I refuse to be downhearted, And here’s the reason why… I have a God who’s mighty, Who’s sovereign and supreme; I have a God who loves me, And I am on His team. He is all-wise and powerful, Jesus is His name; Though other things are changeable, My God remains the same, My God knows all that’s happening; From beginning to the end, His presence is my comfort, He is my dearest friend. When sickness comes to weaken me, To bring my head down low, I call upon my mighty God; Into His arms I ...

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Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project: A Haven for Endangered Species – By Bhanuka – eLanka The Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project is a remarkable initiative located on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. This project plays a crucial role in the conservation and protection of sea turtles, which are among the most ancient and endangered marine species. This article explores the history, objectives, activities, challenges, and successes of the Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project, highlighting its significance in the global effort to save these majestic creatures. Historical Background Origins and Establishment The Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project was established in 1981 by the Wildlife Protection Society of Sri Lanka. The primary aim was to address the declining populations of sea turtles due to poaching, habitat destruction, and bycatch in fishing nets. The founders recognized the urgent need to protect sea turtles and their nesting sites along the Sri Lankan coastline. ...

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The Ceylon Breadfruit Tree – By Nadeeka – eLanka The Ceylon breadfruit tree (Artocarpus altilis) is a significant part of the agricultural and cultural heritage of many tropical regions, particularly in Sri Lanka, where it is commonly known as “del” or “wal del.” This article delves into the rich history of the breadfruit tree, its diverse uses, the numerous health benefits it offers, and provides a selection of delicious recipes that showcase its versatility. Historical Background Origins and Spread The breadfruit tree is believed to have originated in the South Pacific region, specifically in the area around New Guinea and the Indo-Malay Archipelago. From there, it spread throughout the tropics, carried by Polynesian voyagers who valued the tree for its ability to provide a reliable food source during long sea voyages. By the time European explorers arrived in the Pacific, breadfruit was already a staple food across many islands. Introduction ...

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Siri Parakum song kale hadena kiri madu wal (Sandesh Bandara you tube channel) Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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 NOEL NEWS Who you are…will attract people like you to you.  DAVID MELTZER Welcome to our second May newsletter. This is the week my new book was officially launched. It was pre-released via my website six weeks ago to give all your loyal subscribers first choice, but also to give the books time to get from the printers to the bookstores. It should now be available in all bookstores and I’m busy doing the usual rounds an author has to do. Get the book View all bundles A big thank you to all you good people who read my newsletter.  If you were forwarded this newsletter by a friend and you would like to subscribe, you can do so here: Subscribe to Noel News For more Noel News: View past Noel News editions You can also find the subscription box in the footer of all website pages. Upcoming Events The ...

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Beware of the Weather Gods – By Capt Elmo Jayawardena The one thing that a pilot wishes for, when he lines up for take-off is a blue sky. He rolls his aeroplane down the runway with engines screaming at take-off power, and at rotational speed, he eases the aeroplane into the sky. Then he retracts the gear and the flaps, which is commonly called cleaning the aircraft and then sets the course in the direction of his destination. Whether it is an intercontinental fifteen-hour flight or a local one hour’s run from Ratmalana to Jaffna, the pilot has one ultra-important wish. That is to have a domed blue sky throughout his journey. From the pencil thin line of a cirrus cloud in the upper sky to a bulging rain laden towering cumulus  the sky gods await the unfortunate pilot who is a permissionless intruder stubbornly trespassing their domain. The Gods ...

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Life in a Toxic Relationships & Interactions – By Nisal Rukshan Image Source : linkedin   Life consists of bonds between each other. These bonds are simply called relationships. There are many relationships with various situational behaviours. As we know, some of the experiences of relationships include positive and negative consequences. The mode of these relationships is highly affecting our health, mentally, physically, socially, and in many other ways. Hence, we need to continue with good relationships for a better life. Today, we’re going to discuss one type of relationship that highly affects our lives and those of others, both directly and indirectly. Since it’s toxic, it’s called a toxic relationship. Simply put, “it’s a relationship that makes you feel worse than it previously existed.” Such relationships can exist everywhere, like at school, home, the playground, the office, or any other place. During toxic relationships, really, what happens? That’s the question ...

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