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Exploring the Vibrant Petta Kele Pola: Colombo’s Traditional Market-by Kalani-eLanka In the heart of Colombo, Sri Lanka, lies a bustling and colorful market known as Petta Kele Pola. This traditional market is a vibrant hub of activity, offering a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and smells that encapsulate the essence of local life. From fresh produce to handcrafted goods, Petta Kele Pola is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the authentic spirit of Colombo. Petta Kele Pola, often simply referred to as the Petta Market, has a rich history dating back to colonial times. It has served as a central marketplace for locals to trade goods, share news, and gather as a community. Over the years, the market has evolved but continues to retain its traditional charm, making it a beloved landmark in Colombo. As you step into Petta Kele Pola, prepare to be immersed in a lively atmosphere. ...

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1960s Art This is an artwork seen at Retford Park, Bowral NSW,  hung on the wall of the residence of James Fairfax former owner of Fairfax Media. It is one of many paintings hung in his dining room where he had entertained many, including Heads of State and guests .  Mr Fairfax had given his collection of  paintings now worth millions of dollars from the posh house in Bowral NSW to the government to be  opened to the public. The artwork is by famed Australian Artist Donald Friend who had lived in Sri Lanka in the 1960s. Amongst the other works this is one of the most colourful paintings by him. I don’t think you need an explanation to what the painting is about? This shows how he saw Mr. Bandaranaike’s fate and where he ended up. The volunteer tour guides at this National Trust of Australia owned residence  had ...

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Top 10 Tools Every Online Business Owner Needs – By Bhanuka – eLanka Running a successful online business involves more than just having a great product or service. It requires efficient management, effective marketing, streamlined operations, and exceptional customer service. Fortunately, there are numerous tools available to help online business owners handle these tasks with precision. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top 10 tools every online business owner needs to optimize their operations, enhance their marketing efforts, and drive growth and profitability. Website Builders and E-Commerce Platforms Shopify Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, renowned for its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and comprehensive features. It allows users to set up online stores quickly, offering customizable themes and a wide range of plugins and integrations. Key features include: User-friendly interface Extensive theme library Built-in payment processing Robust inventory management SEO tools and analytics Mobile responsiveness WordPress ...

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 {PeteriteNET:583} THE PETERITE RUGBY FIXTURES FOR 2024 (1ST ROUND)    –     – DATE CHANGES in respect of 2 Matches The St. Peter’s vs Kingwood Rugby match which was scheduled for 21st June (Poson Poya day) has been postponed by one day and will now be played on 22nd June (Saturday). The venue has also changed and the match is to be played at Nittawela not at Bogambara. However I’m also advised that there can be last minute changes in venue. The Peterite – Zahira Rugby match which was scheduled to be played on Saturday, 20th July (Essla Poya day), has been advanced to Friday, 19th July. The venue is not changed and will be played at the College grounds. Please take notice accordingly. Algi Wijewickrema On Sun, 12 May 2024 at 06:12, Algi Wijewickrema <algi.wijewickrema@gmail.com> wrote: CORRECTION Apologies – Please note that the Kingswood match is at Bogambara on the Poson poya day ...

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Caryota urens: The Kitul Tree of Sri Lanka – By Nadeeka – eLanka Caryota urens, widely known as the kitul tree, is an iconic species in Sri Lanka. This palm tree has significant cultural, economic, and ecological importance. Its diverse applications range from culinary delights to traditional crafts, making it a tree of immense value in Sri Lankan society. This article explores the history, uses, foods derived from the kitul tree, and provides a detailed recipe for making kitul hakuru. History and Significance Historical Context The kitul tree has a storied history in Sri Lanka, tracing back thousands of years. Traditionally, it has been revered not only for its practical uses but also for its cultural and spiritual significance. Ancient Sri Lankans discovered the multitude of uses for this tree, from its sap, which is a source of natural sweetener, to its fibers, used in crafting and construction. Cultural Importance ...

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Decadent Chocolate Pudding Recipe – By Malsha – eLanka Celebrate the weekend with this simple and delicious chocolate pudding! Ingredients: 1 ½ cups of milk or fresh milk ¼ cup of cornflakes ¼ cup of sugar 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder Instructions: In a bowl, combine ½ cup of milk with the cocoa powder and cornflakes. Mix well until there are no large pieces. Strain the chocolate milk mixture into a pot on the stove. Add the remaining milk and sugar to the pot. Cook on low heat, stirring continuously to prevent lumps and sticking. When the mixture starts to thicken, remove the pot from the heat. Immediately pour the mixture into pudding bowls. Allow the pudding to set in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours until thoroughly chilled. Before serving, sprinkle with a bit of cocoa powder on top. Enjoy your creamy, chocolatey treat! ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – More Than Life I Love Thee Lord – By Charles Schokman Image Source : youtube “Your love means more than life to me, and I praise you as long as I live, I will pray to you”  Psalms 63: 3-4 More Than Life I Love Thee Lord. To love God more than life means to love God with your emotions. Praising him with your happiness, smile, and gratitude is easy when things are going well. Like when you perceive an answer to prayer or one of life’s good gifts comes your way, but how about when things aren’t going so well? ALL your heart means at ALL times. Even when God seems quiet. Even when he says wait. And even when he says no. And, yes, even when bad things happen. Continuing to love God even when bad things happen or when good things don’t happen is key ...

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C-THEORY – CHRIST THE SOLID ROCK OF ALL AGES – By Lakshman Navaratne   LORD YOU ARE MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN DIAMOND NOTHING WE DESIRE COMPARES TO YOU GOD’S DIVINE NATURE IS LOVE! Matthew 13:45, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. All began on the first day of LOGOS. The Mystery of the Carbon Atom is the Chemistry of MANKIND. Godkind becoming Mankind, returning to Godkind is the mystery of our Redemption. Mark 2:27, Jesus said, “Sabbath was made for man, and not man for Sabbath. Also, John 9:5, “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world. Separation of day from darkness on the first day of creation, nothing was made without “Him”. Christianity is the success story of Judaism, accomplishment of the ...

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Castle Hill Bungalow: A Legacy of Hospitality – By Dr Harold Gunatillake The Castle Hill Bungalow has been recently renovated, and the interior has been modernised. The hotel provides a high comfort level due to excellent service and a wide range of amenities “Nestled in the heart of Kandy, the cultural capital of Sri Lanka, lies a historical gem with a story as rich as the city itself. Welcome to Castle Hill Bungalow, a boutique bungalow that has stood the test of time, witnessing the ebb and flow of history.” “Built-in 1928 during the English reign in Sri Lanka, Castle Hill Bungalow was initially owned by an Englishman, Christobel Joliffe. Its colonial architecture and sprawling gardens speak volumes of its past grandeur.” “The bungalow found its Sri Lankan roots when it was sold to E.R. Senanayake, a distinguished aristocrat of Kandy, whose family played a pivotal role in the country’s ...

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To Sir, with Love – by Ishan De Lanerolle ‘The hymns have faded, the prayers are said,  The chapel echoes with the silence of the dead.  Yet in our hearts, his voice remains,  A symphony of guidance through joy and pains.’ Tribute to a Great Master Unlike Any Other To Sir, with Love. In the early 2000s, Sir began experiencing persistent and unusual pains—one day his eye, the next his toe, then his hand and the list goes on. We took him to several doctors who initially treated him for psychological issues. However, I knew this was not in his mind. Finally, a full health check at Apollo Hospital (now Lanka Hospital) revealed a tumor the size of a tennis ball in the middle of his spine. Sir needed a rare and complex surgery. An appeal went out, and within three days, 1.5 million rupees poured into the STC account. Securing ...

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