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Dr Siri Kannangara: A Life of Service in Australia-by Michael Roberts Special Dhamma Sermon in Memory of late Dr Siri Kannangara, Lankarama Sydney 11 – 06 -2024 at 7:00 pm Sydney time (2:30 pm Sri Lanka time) Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ Meeting ID: 853 3556 9014 Passcode: 447139 YouTube Live Stream: https://youtube.com/live/rSL8Xq-EQF4?feature=share Source:Thuppahis The volume of sighs and messages that erupted when news of Dr siri Kannangara’s demise reahced the air waves speaks volumes for the regard with which he was held. I haad occasion to interact with him way way back when writing about our Sri Lankan cricketers and  athletes. Alas, my memory has not retained the details. But there is plenty of meaningful detail in the items that are referred to below ….. and we can be certain that there will be a volume of Vales that tell the world about Siri’s outreach. Dr Palitha Ganewatte:  “Vale Dr Siri ...

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Twilight Reminiscences 17- Happiness is….by Sanjiva Wijesinha Source:Sanjivawijesinha “You know, Sanjo” said my friend Devendra as we sat on the balcony recently enjoying a drink and the evening sunset, “If you had to define Happiness, it is simply being content with where one is – and being content  with what one is doing at that particular moment in time”. Now Deve has been my friend for many years (a friendship spanning several decades in fact, commencing from the year we first entered the Colombo Medial School together!) and I have always been impressed by his ability to express profound thoughts in such simple words. And having over the years seen so many patients, acquaintances and friends chasing wealth, fame and position, ever looking before and after and hankering for what is not, I have realised that Deve’s observation makes perfect sense. Contentment is having the grace to accept that where one is ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 5th June 2024 – and Edition Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter Prof Siri Kannangara – A COLOSSUS, A LEGEND – By Maithri Panagoda AM Vale Dr Siri – A remarkable human being – By Dr Palitha Ganewatta Photos from the Luncheon held at COCO Gabba with the Sri Lankan Community Leaders during Her Excellency the Sri Lankan High Commissioner and her First Secretary’s visit to Brisbane on the 6th and 7th of June 2024 Bowling masterclass helps Bangladesh edge past Sri Lanka Ceylon Society of Australia (CSA) Meeting on Sunday 2 June at 6.30 pm at Pennant Hills Community Centre AUSTRALIA SRI LANKA ASSOCIATION INC NEWSLETTER The essential value of language takes centre stage at Sydney Town Hall SILENT SENTINELS OF ANCIENT GLORY. THE PRAMBANAN HINDU TEMPLES OF EAST JAVA – by Bernard VanCuylenburg Elon ...

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Understanding Creatinine: Your Kidney’s Health Indicator – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: www.doctorharold.com Transcript: Taking care of your kidneys is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Let’s spread awareness about the importance of kidney health and encourage others to prioritise their well-being. “Welcome to our health channel, dear viewers. We are here to assist you with all your health concerns. Our past success has established us as a genuine provider of health information for the Sri Lankan community, both locally and globally. Today, we’re exploring creatinine, a key marker for kidney health. Knowing your cholesterol levels is crucial for heart health, and understanding your creatinine levels is essential for monitoring kidney function. At this stage, without getting into confusion, let’s discuss the difference between creatine and creatinine. Creatine is a compound that provides energy to muscles, while creatinine is a waste product eliminated from the body. Creatinine levels in the ...

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Prof Siri Kannangara – Dhamma Sermon (Tueaday 11 June ) and Alms Giving ( Wednesday 12 June) at the Lankarama Buddhist Temple, Schofileds (Sydney) The fragrance of virtue travels even against the wind, as far as the ends of the world. Dear Friends and Family, With deep sorrow, we announce the passing away of our beloved Prof. Siri Kannangara To honor his memory and seek blessings for his peaceful journey, we cordially invite you to join us for Dhamma Sermon – Date: Tuesday, 11th June 2024 at 7:00pm Alms Giving – Date: Wednesday, 12th June at 10am Venue: Lankarama Buddhist Temple, Schofields Special Dhamma Sermon in Memory of late Dr Siri Kannangara, Lankarama Sydney 11 – 06 -2024 at 7:00 pm Sydney time (2:30 pm Sri Lanka time) Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ Meeting ID: 853 3556 9014 Passcode: 447139 YouTube Live Stream: https://youtube.com/live/rSL8Xq-EQF4?feature=share Please note that the details of the ...

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Dr. Siri: Village boy to global healer, a legacy of kindness and excellence – By Krishantha Prasad Cooray Source : Krishantha Cooray Linked In Lord Buddha, elaborating on the notion of sorrow (dukkha) in the first sermon he delivered after attaining Enlightenment, observed that having to associate with those who are repugnant is sorrowful and being apart from those who are loved is also sorrowful — appiyehi sampayogo dukkho, piyehi vippayogo dukkho. So, we choose to avoid and insulate ourselves from the distasteful while we seek the company of people we find agreeable. When they leave, we are saddened. When they depart, never to return, we are distraught. A few days ago, I realised that while any kind of separation from someone who is likeable is never a happy thing, there are instances when it is devastating. I had just received a text from my friend Prof Arjuna De Silva, and ...

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Vale Dr Siri Kannangara, AM – By Pauline Gunewardene Vale Dr Siri Kannangara, AM. Truly a giant among men in his life of service. Truly a man to be mourned by all, as we do as an entire community, joined together in grieving for the passing of this man of boundless compassion for everyone, giving so generously of his services without limits, in the true spirit of helping his fellow humans on this path of life.  May you attain the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana. “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson Pauline Gunewardene  ...

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COUNTING AND CRACKING – a must see for all Sri Lankans – Date : May 31st To 23rd June  Venue : UNION THEATRE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE PARKVILLE  Date : May 31st To 23rd June  Venue : UNION THEATRE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE PARKVILLE There is also a discount offer we’d love to share : COMMUNITY OFFER (20% OFF) Ends 12 June, end of day New shows added tickets.rising.melbourne Additional Copy, Reviews: “unlike any I’ve seen before, which masterfully tells a complex, funny, enlightening and deeply moving human story.” ★★★★★ LIMELIGHT “Deeply felt and searingly intelligent, Counting and Cracking has all the makings of a modern Australian classic.” ★★★★★ THE AGE “The play’s a marvel…Overall, it’s a contemporary classic that is well worth Melbourne’s wait.” ★★★★★ TIMEOUT Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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Does Sri Lanka have a balanced Foreign Policy with China? By Arundathie Abeysinghe Sri Lanka’s foreign policy challenges come to the forefront as it struggles with the complicated dynamics of maintaining neutrality whilst participating in economic cooperation with powerful states, especially China. Long-term lease of Hambantota Port, presence of Chinese submarines “Shi Yan-6” in October 2023 and ‘Yuan Wang-5’ in August 2022 including plans for a Chinese radar base are major issues which raise questions regarding the foreign policy of the island nation. Neighboring countries, including India is agonized that ports in Sri Lanka could become pit-stops for Chinese vessels to re-stock supplies and fuel. Is Sri Lanka caught up in a strategic port deal with China? After struggling for many years to repay the massive loan obtained by the Rajapakse regime, in 2017, Sirisena-Ranil government handed over the port to China on a 99-year lease. During the handing-over ceremony ...

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