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I am saying it should be the spirit. I am not asking anyone to shed away or denounce their ethnicity or religion. We all love the way we are and what we believe in or not believe in. In this small Island of ours we should live like brothers and sisters with equal rights and also equal responsibilities, without rancour or violence. Although I am not there bodily now, my ‘spirit’ appears to be haunting this Island all the time, day and night. I admit that it may be easy for a so-called Sinhalese like me to say it, but difficult for a Tamil or even a Muslim to reckon with the idea given the past and bitter experiences. Therefore, the ‘Sinhalese’ have a major responsibility to give a helping hand to others. ...

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|The history of elephants in Europe dates back to the ice ages, when mammoths (various species of prehistoric elephant) roamed the northern parts of the Earth, from Europe to North America (mastodons only occurred in North America.) There was also the dwarf elephant of Cyprus (“Palaeoloxodon cypriotes”), Sicily-Malta (“Palaeoloxodon falconeri”) and mainland (“Palaeoloxodon antiquus”). However, these became extinct several thousand years ago, and subsequently the presence of elephants in Europe is only due to importation of these animals. ...

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One laugh per day is better than eating one apple a day…. A man was granted two wishes by God. He asked for the best drink and the best woman ever. He got mineral water and Mother Teresa. . . . . . . . . . . . There are three kinds of men in this world. Some remain single and make wonders happen. Some have girlfriends and see wonders happen. The rest get married and wonder what happened! . . . . . . . . . . . Wives are magicians. They can turn anything into an argument. . . . . . . . . . . . When asked in class; Why do women live a better, longer and a more peaceful life than men? A very INTELLIGENT student replied: “Because women don’t have wives!” . . . . . . . . . . ...

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“Reverend father A. J. Thurstan started a private technical school in 1859 in this beautiful environment and maintained it out of his own funds. This institution had been a agricultural and multimedia technical training centre for many years but had to be closed down after a few years. In 1884 with the assistance of the British Government an agricultural school was started in the same place. There was historical evidence to show that around this agricultural school there had been a flourishing cinnamon cultivation, and today Colombo 7 is known as Cinnamon Gardens due to this cultivation. The agricultural school was started by the then Director of Education Mr. H. W. Green. In 1910 it was closed down.” ...

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The Enduring Legacy of the Royal-Thomian “Big Match” 134 and Still Batting On: By Krishantha Prasad Cooray In recent years, there has been less and less to cheer about in Sri Lanka. Few things bring anything but despondency and frustration to the hearts of young and old. We live in a strange age. What should be a time of national triumph and unity has been transformed into an age of fear and repression, political corruption and public apathy and the unprecedented arrogance of power. Perhaps more than anything else, we live in a country today in which no relationship is equal. Patronage and servility are the two basic ingredients for survival in present day Sri Lanka. To speak out against injustice, to fight for the freedoms and rights of another is too great a risk to take. Expediency has taken precedence over preserving all that was great about Sri Lankan ...

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The Khaki is more at odds than even in the Battle of the Blues, just as much as their colours do not blend easily.  Big match fever accentuates their disparity.  Trucking is the problem, apart from much else.  Often a discordant note is struck between the police and the boys, when trucking is on.  But these very clashes have kept alive the history of the ‘battle’ and their chronicling over the years.  Wardens and Principals have tried valiantly to keep these exchanges on a low even keel.  They explain that this ‘Battle’ is only a game between two schools; that cricket is like life, but it is not life.  The match is just that, only one among many other games with other schools, we are told.  After all, between Eton and Harrow, the cricket match is not a ‘Battle’ of Blues or of any other colour.  What then? Here the ...

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The Don Moore Community Centre at North Rocks, NSW, Australia was the scene of good old fashioned fun and frivolity when the Royal College OBA of NSW and ACT, staged its annual family night, called “the hopper night”, on 22nd August 2009. A good time was had by all, including the many non Sri Lankans in attendance, some of whom were on a high for days on end following the event. The festivities began with the singing of the school anthem. The words to the song were printed on the flip side of the flyer/program enabling attendees to sing to the recorded music. We were informed subsequently that a wife of a Royalist in NSW had in fact done the musical arrangement with a slight up tempo for the benefit of the OBA. ...

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136th BATTLE OF THE BLUES When I was invited to write an article on the Royal-Thomian by the Editor of ‘The Nation’ my thoughts went back to a Big Match supplement I was involved in a long time ago. That was in 2007. ‘The Nation’ came out with a special supplement. I remember it as the best Big Match supplement ever though I say so myself, having been part of that project. A bit of braggadocio, true enough, but that’s part and parcel of the Royal-Thomian, an event where there’s a bit of everything coming together to make a splendid entirety. ...

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On the 24th of this month the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum Sydney held a solemn event to remember all those who died in the civil-war in Sri Lanka. The Forum emphasised on the fact that the war was more than anything else a tragedy, this and that it should be remembered as such. The dead were remembered just as human beings; as someone’s son, daughter, mother, father, husband, wife, friend, rather than as heroes, villains or terrorists. ...

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Immediate past President of the CSA and now on the Committee, Lion Harry de Sayrah OAM JP recently received the 40-year Milestone Chevron Award for serving the Community of Australia and Sri Lanka. His dedication to Lionism commenced in Sri Lanka when Commodore Malcolm de Costa, the then ADC to the Governor-General, invited him to join the World’s Largest Service Organisation in 1974. ...

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