Astra Zeneca-Oxford COVID vaccine by far the best for SL

Astra Zeneca-Oxford COVID vaccine by far the best for SL


The Astra Zeneca-oxford vaccine candidate is presently seen as the best for Sri Lanka against COVID-19, an official said yesterday.

Director General of Health Services Dr. Asela Gunawardane told Daily Mirror, the final decision on the use of any vaccine would, however, depend on a myriad of other factors such as approval by the World Health Organization and purchasing agreements.

Dr. Gunawardane said Sri Lanka was in touch now with different stakeholders on the availability of an effective vaccine against COVID-19. “When we decide on any vaccine, we have to think of its manufacturing level and supply arrangements. The WHO has agreed to provide 20 percent of the vaccine requirement. We have to see what would be the one that the WHO will pick,” he said.

Commenting on the strain of the Corona virus in Sri Lanka, he said the current variant was more virulent than that of the first wave. However, he said symptoms seemed to be milder than that of the last time.

“Transmissible rate of the present strain is higher than the previous one. However, symptoms are milder. Therefore, fatality rate remains low,” he said. (KELUM BANDARA)

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