A voter’s simple and accurate alternative for Preference voting (‘Manape’) and complex Mixed Member Voting (MMV) systems.

A voter’s simple and accurate alternative for Preference voting (‘Manape’) and complex Mixed Member Voting (MMV) systems.


The historic amalgam of “People’s uprising’’ through the ‘Peaceful new generation Aragalaya-2022’ and the Country’s declared ‘Bankruptcy’ has provided overwhelming and glaring evidence that cannot be matched by any measure of research, regarding the weaknesses in our Electoral system which has over the last several decades allowed Powerhungry,mediocre and nepotic politicians to rule the roost in our Parliament.
Thus, the following urgent ‘System changes’ are proposed to our existing Electoral system based on principles of Equality, Accuracy and Meritocracy which are essential prerequisites for a true Representative Democracy which is sadly lacking in the present system.
1.Ensure ‘Equality of ballot’ as per the Constitution and UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948) by accurate allocation of seats to Parties based simply on their National vote % as published officially by National Election Commission (NEC), and foster ‘Sri Lankan-ness, fairness and rationality.
2. Re-distribute such National seat allocation for each party among Districts, based on its District vote %.
3. To ensure Meritocracy, Parties to be mandated to nominate District candidates in Merit order at Electorate sub-level. Towards this end and to maintain uniformity, NEC shall mandate a set of common eligibility criteria and a structured Interview marking system at Electorate level for all contesting Parties/Groups across the board and guarantee nomination of public cleared, genuine ‘Country-first -Political Professionals’ (The detailed methodology is available ).
4. Abolish existing Preference Voting (‘Manape’) and Mixed Member Voting (MMV) systems and require Parties to submit their District nominations under Electorate level sub- lists in merit order. Parties contesting in less than, say 10 Districts shall be allowed to submit one Central Pool nominations list (as earlier adopted by JVP) also in merit order.
5. Ensure Women and Youth representation (20% each) in Parliament and PCs, by mandating at least 01woman and 01 youth below 35 among every 5 nominees in all Electoral Nomination lists and the Central Pool nomination lists. Interview System provides for special marks for Women and youth for this purpose. (The detailed methodology is available)
6. This method not only guarantees Accuracy and Meritocracy but also ensures assignment of at least 01 MP to each of the 160 Electorates as expected under the former FPP system, without compromising the equal value for valid votes which will be achieved as per item 1 above.
For example, if SLPP has won a re-distributed allocation of 11 seats for Colombo District, which has 15 electorates, their Nominees topping the sub- list in the 11 Electorates which have received the highest No. of votes will get elected to the Parliament. Similarly, the balance 04 seats will be occupied by nominees topping the lists of other respective Parties as per their Colombo District allocation. Parties with a Central Pool list may be given the option to select their nominees to the Parliament without even following the merit order.
7. Since there are 196 seats, the balance 36 seats may be assigned in a second round to larger Electorates at the option of the Parties concerned.
8. As regards 29 National List MPs, stipulate specific transparent criteria & methodology for District wise nomination of 29 ‘Senate’ calibre professionals considering multi community population ratios. Since they were intended to replace the Senate abolished in 1972, unelected Election candidates cannot vie under this category.
Given below are some of the major benefits arising from the above simple measures that will make our Electoral system achieve all its real objectives rationally with least effort and cost to the Treasury especially of a ‘Bankrupt Country’.
1. Global recognition for fully abiding with UN requirements and Country Constitution in regard to ‘Equality of Vote’ extending to ‘SriLankan ness’, Fairness and Accuracy.
2. ‘Manape’ nominations lists replete with nepotism, and black moneyed mediocre ‘henchaiyas’ breeding inter and intra-party rivalry are replaced by merit based ‘Country first-Political professionals’ who will truly represent the People and achieve the Objectives of the Supreme Parliament through consensual debates forging a ‘win-win ‘situation while maintaining its decorum.
3. Can be applied to PC Elections with the fixed No. of seats allocated at District Level.
4. The electoral process will instantly become very much simpler, more meaningful and non-violent due to abolition of ’Manape’ and MMV system.
5. Official Expenditure, Time and Energy will be reduced drastically.
6. Election results can be announced by Mid-night.
7. The total Election exercise will be environment friendly.
8. Debatable adhoc ratios, ‘Overhang’ delays and seat increases experienced under the complex MMV system will not arise.
9. The expectations of the ‘Sri Lankan’ people and all Parties/ Groups in regard to Equality of vote across the country; Transparency; Women/Youth/small Party inclusiveness and MP for each Electorate will be fulfilled.
10.More than 01 Election can be held on the same day as simple voters will be required to mark only 01 ‘X’ at each Election.
11. Erudite National list members sitting in the Parliament will provide a more effective substitute for a more costly external upper chamber.
12. Removing voting for individuals will relieve the simple voters from selecting ‘Horses’ from lists of ‘Donkeys’ and drive them to rely more on Party Election manifesto which is proposed to be a branded, prosecutable document with monitorable and auditable Action plan acceptable to people with confidence.
The writer’s other ‘System Change’ proposals such as Discouraging ‘Mush room’/Decoy Political parties; abolition of ‘Party Cross-overs’ Holding Multiple Elections will surely increase the Quality and the productivity of the Electoral system.
The writer’s proposed Rationalisation of the Political System in favour of a ‘People based Governance’, extending to the abolition of Executive Presidency followed by a Hybrid type Non- Executive Presidency; revival of PCs with more powers if necessary while rationalizing the role and benefits to MPs; Depoliticising of Local Govt.Elections paving the way for independent candidates at Grama Niladhari Division (GND) level as per ‘Grama Raajya’ concept with proposed ‘Jana Sabhas’ by National Movement for Social Justice(NMSJ) and Installing a ‘Sustainable National Cabinet System’ based on National party vote % are designed to foster the much needed Peoples Participation in Governance and ‘Sri Lanakan ness’ forging National Unity and Peace.
Final Note
The gross plundering of the Peoples sovereignty with impunity by Politicians over the years has subverted the Principal/Agent relationship in a Representative Democracy making Politicians ‘Demi Gods’ and People their helpless devotees. Therefore, it is imperative to restore real Representative Democracy by making constitutional provisions as follows.
i) Prevent all people’s representatives from involving in all matters relevant to their selection process, Salary/ benefits etc. being fundamental ‘Conflicts of Interest’ ;
ii) Widen the scope of NEC and PSC/Salaries and Cadre Commission to table final recommendations in regard to all of them in the Parliament only for formal approval and
iii) strengthen NEC, PSC and other relevant Commissions with ‘Permanent task forces’ comprising Retired Judges, Academics, Voter dedicated Civil Organisations and sovereign voter activists extending ‘People Based Governance (PBG)’.
Benefits: i. Approval of People’s ’System change’ package will get expedited. ii. The voters will regain their ‘Principal’ and ‘Sovereign’ status while Politicians will become trustworthy and polite representatives of the people.
iii.Media and the polity will change their culture of giving undue hype to politicians.
WithPresidential Elections coming round the corner, we urge capable Presidential Candidates to win people’s confidence by prioritising the said ‘New generation System changes’ in their Election manifesto under a time lined action plan.
Bernard Fernando-
Former Deputy General Manager-BOC Email: jbvfernando@yahoo.com

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