“The big day is only hours away,

       a right royal mess-up, I’d like to say,

     The World isn”t happy, nor should it be, 

       eLanka is neither, the least of all, ME.”

     Saturday, not very far away, is it ?. There is certainly no Country in the World that can “stage” Pomp & Ceremony at it’s finest, as well as “old Blighty”. This, we all know.

England or Britain, call it what you like, has had a most Glorious History, boasts the most famous ancient “Castles & Cathedrals”, “Palaces & Pubs”, a “bulldog-mentality”, inherited from Winston Churchill, plus a Queen that has ruled the Commonwealth Nations, including Australia faultlessly, for longer than any Monarch.


     SHE has already had one ” Annus Horribulous” (a most

horrible bloody year), to phrase it in Aussie bloody Lingo.

While still very young, she had to mourn the death of her father, King George VI, then lost her “best friend” in her younger sister, Princess Margaret, under difficult and tragic circumstances, another prestigious old relative in the very first “Sea-Lord” Louis Mountbatten (murdered by the I.R.A.), 

lost her Mother (and primary advisor), the Queen (Mum), 

although, of course, Queen Elizabeth1, had had “a good innings”, herself, faced yet another tragedy in the horrific  death of her daughter-in-law, Diana, and, to add to it all, see many of her Commonwealth Countries, including India & Ceylon, now become Independent, throwing away the “mantle” that had “protected” them, for so many years. 

The “present”(2018), is a different story altogether. Although everyone can plainly see that our present Queen is still doing the job she undertook, (2nd June,1953), to the very best of her ability (no-one could ask for more than that), she is now 92 years of age and is forced to hand-over many “Royal-Duties” to her eldest son, The Prince of Wales, Charles, who will, in turn, be the next King of England

     Australia, too, now wishes to be a Republic, and though I do NOT believe that this should be so, before the death of his beloved Mother, I am beginning to understand that, as this cockeyed World of ours becomes “madder” by the minute, here is a “Right-Royal Mess-up” that NEVER should have happened. 


     Prince Harry (Princess Diana’s 2nd son & younger brother of Prince William), always wanted to “do his own thing” and reputedly told his Mother, when he was about 5 years old, that it WAS William who would be King, after grandfather, Charles, and, he, Harry, could always do as he liked. He grew up, doing exactly that. The due respect for the Queen was always there, but Harry (the ultimate rebel) went on to live his life, probably doing things, many of which were kept secret from his great-grandmother, who would have certainly disapproved of them,I feel sure.


     In time, he saw the error of his ways. He was SITLL a member of the Royal Family, after all, did his stint of Military Service, just as Prince William did, ending up as a Military helicopter pilot. NOW comes the crunch. He “chooses” an American wife-to-be, in Meghan Markle, has her accepted by the Queen (they all have to do that) & this “posh” wedding is planned. Everything is going well. They are obviously in love, the “media” makes certain that maximum publicity is given to them, ONE “good-news” story amidst’ a mass of wars everywhere, & rampant ” bad-news” ones, then, what HAPPENS ?, the bride’s father does a deal with some “paparazzi”,exposing some photographs of his daughter, that he shouldn’t have, gets a heart-attack immediately after,(no prizes for my readers to guess why),and cannot, it seems be able to “give his daughter away” to Prince Harry.

With all the “Pomp & Pageantry” planned, many thousands of visitors already  “on the spot”, thousands more “Pommies” locked-in, this little Town of Berkshire, unable to go ANYWHERE because of “Security” reasons, anti-terrorist barriers by the dozen blocking off the area where the marriage will take place, making it impossible for the Citizens of Berkshire to drive anywhere, no-one knowing whether or not Mr. Markle will “sparkle” at the wedding, and, if not, who will give this “bride away”?. 


     This certainly will be something to watch on television, BUT, with one half of 2018 already gone, I hope & pray that it will not be another “Dimidium-Annum- Horribulo.us” for our Queen. Her Royal Highness & her “old man” Prince Phillip certainly do not deserve this, but ” Ma’am, this is the price we pay, for the World we live in right now”.


Desmond Kelly

   Star of eLanka


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