Let The Voice Of Wisdom In Sri Lanka Assert Itself-by N.S.Venkataraman

Let The Voice Of Wisdom In Sri Lanka Assert Itself-by N.S.Venkataraman

Sri Lanka


As Sri Lanka is undergoing serious economic crisis and Ranil Wickremesinghe government is talking to international financing agencies and some countries abroad seeking financial support to enable Sri Lanka to overcome the present crisis, it is distressing that  mob of protesters have entered the Presidential palace  in Sri Lanka, occupied it and enjoyed swimming in the swimming pool.  Fearing violence , Gotabaya  has left his residence.

The demand of the protesters is that Gotabaya should leave office, as if this would solve all the economic misery of Sri Lanka in one stroke.   Of course, Gotabaya should accept responsibility to some extent for the economic problems of Sri Lanka but  he is a duly elected President in a democratic process and   cannot be asked to leave by a violent mob. He can be removed only  by a democratic process such as  no confidence motion in Parliament.   In any case, the protesting mob seem to be having its way , which is a disturbing signal and development.

Now, some parliamentarians have demanded that Ranil Wickremesinghe should also quit along with Gotabaya. It is only a few weeks back that Ranil Wickremesinghe became the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka and he need to be given time and support.

With Gotabaya and Wickremesinghe leaving office, the demand appears to be that Speaker of Parliament should take over the administration , as if the Speaker has a magic wand  to set things right.

What Sri Lanka needs urgently today is international financial support to find its feet.  It is well known that international financing institutions and  some countries are hesitant to come to the rescue of Sri Lanka, since there is political instability in the country and one is not clear as to who is in control.  In such circumstances, the mob rule that is seen in the last one or two days will not create confidence amongst the financial institutions and would only complicate the Sri Lanka’s economic issues..

The protesting mob ,which may be a few thousand people , are certainly not the representative gathering of Sri Lankan citizens . The mob is thoughtless, unruly  and  can  perhaps even be described as irresponsible people who foolishly seem to think that sending  out the President and Prime Minister would lead to solution for Sri Lanka’s misery.

Millions of Sri Lankans certainly do not approve the  mob violence but it appears that they are stunned and remain speechless. Their voice of wisdom is not being heard today and the media , both in Sri Lanka and outside, seem to be only focusing on the protesters , as if they are the people who would decide the fate of Sri Lanka. 

The  media in Sri Lanka and the enlightened citizens in Sri Lanka should really see the writing on the wall and strongly protest against the mob violence  that is disturbing the entire political scenario in Sri Lanka and causing huge bad name for Sri Lankan citizens all over the world.

At this critical juncture, while financial assistance from abroad is needed, political stability and matured public opinion in Sri Lanka is also necessary.  Media in Sri Lanka and law abiding citizens in Sri Lanka would be failing in their duty at this critical time, if they would not care to come forward and  condemn the violent protesters . If necessary, they need to come out and people should conduct peace march   across Sri Lanka and media should publish the voice of wisdom in Sri Lanka.  Certainly, the people who involve themselves in violent activities should be shown their place by the people of Sri Lanka.

Today’s problems of Sri Lanka can be sorted out over a period of time only in a period of stable political climate and people extending support to the Prime Minister Wickremesinghe and ensure that he would be able to   function with courage of conviction that people of Sri Lanka would support him for all the measures he takes.

It is a question whether Wickremesinghe is the best man for the  job of Prime Minister in Sri Lanka today. But, he is an experienced person and replacing him today will amount to jumping from frying pan to fire.

The world is waiting to hear the voice of wisdom in Sri Lanka.

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