Skin-Colour in Sri Lanka: The Prevalence of Pitch-Black?-by Michael Roberts

Skin-Colour in Sri Lanka: The Prevalence of Pitch-Black?-by Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts

Source:Thuppahis ….. with a warning from Thuppahi: have an antidote handy to cure the splitting of your sides

Lol , This is just another lunatic who always think about skin color than anything else…no wonder south asia always remain as 3rd world…Answer is ..Sri lankan majority is much much more lighter skinned than south indians…there are many pale and very light skinned people all over the country, as well very dark people like Africans are there…50% sri lankans are light tan and 30% are dark tan and 20% are dark…i mean very dark like south indians…between that 50% light skinned people there are very fair people like europeans too .. so don’t always dnt try to make pain in the ass about skin colour …it’s so funny when indians and Bangladeshis think they are white…they are also tan people lol

We are brown skinned south asians.


Sri lanka is a tropical island with a warm climate. Also I’m living in the hottest and driest zone in sri lanka (North central province). This is my natural skin without anyy treatment and how its colour appear different i… (more)

I think for the hot sun.

BUT actually that is wrong. Normally you cannot say that Srilankans have darker skin .Because there are many people have fairness skin.And actually they are so beautiful than some of south Asians.

And also I agree if takes majority srilankans are darker than south asians because srilanka is situated near to the equater. (Par)

2 coments from Pure 

Are Sri Lankans considered African American people?
Why are Sri Lankan women so beautiful?
Why are average Sri lankans darker than average Indians/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis?

This question was either asked by a troll looking to create fights between South Asians or someone who has never been to Sri Lanka.

In case you belong to the latter category, please visit the country and see for yourself how diverse the island is when it comes to skin colour. You’ll see a lot of people who are as light skinned as Kashmiris and Himachalis and some who are as dark as Africans. This spans all communities… I have seen really light-skinned Tamils from Jaffna (some may have European blood as the Dutch set up base there) and light-skinned Sinhalese who look more Portuguese than South

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Are Sri Lankans darker than rest of the South Asians?


I am an Indian who has worked with and interacted with different types of Sri Lankans. To be more specific different Sri Lankan ethnic groups.

So no, unfortunately you are incorrect.

Most groups of South Asians including most Sri Lankan ethnic groups have different skin tones.

You would find a Sinhalese, Tamil who are on the fairer side and the same ethnic group on the darker side.

Believe me – as a South Indian raised in Dubai I have interacted with them.

South Indians have historical interactions with them since several millenia.

In case yo

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