“JUDGES OF CEYLON” – by Des Kelly

“JUDGES OF CEYLON” – by Des Kelly


There were many of these recognised highly intelligent individvuals indeed, in beautiful “Olde Ceylon” as I always prefer to remember this little Country in which I was born.

Michael Roberts, yet another famous name from Ceylon then, & Sri Lanka now, is who I would term a Burgher- Blogger, has kindly decided to send me this most interesting “post” regarding Judge Leonard Woolf who dispersed justice, as he saw it, for the betterment of everyone in the Land that he too, loved.

Thank you, Michael. I am sure that e’ Lanka would be very proud to publish what you have sent me.

This also gives me the chance to make it very clear that e’ Lanka tends to steer CLEAR of articles too involved in Politics and Religion, two subjects that could cause more trouble and strife, than we really need in our life. Enough said, so Ladies & Gentlemen, let us get down to reading this information which will interest you, as it did, me.



Desmond Kelly






Desmond Kelly.

(Editor-in-Chief) e’ Lanka.


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