“THE CHILDRENS’ BOOKSHOP” By Desmond Kelly

Six years before “Sooriya” even came into being, I met this beautiful couple, Dulcie and Gerald Wicramasooriya at the above-mentioned shop, in the heart of Colombo Fort, not far from the old H.M.Cy.S. Gemunu Naval barracks, wher I ended up, as a Supply Assistant. The Childrens’ Bookshop was the first business of Dulcie and Gerald, where there were plenty of books and magazines I could brouse through, whenever I was “on-liberty” from my Naval duties, and it was Gerald himself, who sold the very first copy of my recording of Dreamworld after it arrived from Holland. 
          Since Sooriya was taken over by the family, after I had already migrated to Australia, I still kept in-touch with them via Secretary Yasanthi Nanyakkara, hence this newsletter to me, periodically. It does bring back many memories, (the only reminiscing worthwhile, as one ages), after so many years from home. Naturally, I thought it worthwhile to introduce the Sooriya Newsletter to all my e’Lanka readers, simply so, that they could see Dulcie and Gerald, as I remember them. Two wonderfully sweet Sri Lankans whom I will never forget. This waa quite a memorable photograph 
for me. Sixty years from home, is a long long time, but the fact is, that I can never erase the memory of the CEYLON that I knew, way back when. The “good old days” as I called them.
Desmond Kelly..
(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.

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