Chinthaka unparalleled versatile TV program fabricator

Chinthaka unparalleled versatile TV program fabricator

Chinthaka Gamlath is like any other possessing a television mastermind brain is an unsung hero. A television program creator cum director who has been directing TV programs/ commercials/ short films / outdoor music programs , events in media field for TV Derana. Some of the tasks faced with for Chinthaka are managing schedules, co-ordinating studios/locations, supervision script rewrites and positioning finances. All these areas were navigated with consummate ease taking into consideration the immense expertise he possesses. Above all an appropriate caption for the relevant program is very vital which were titled to coincide with his related endeavours.

Chinthaka ,34 years old diminutive in stature had joined Derana TV in year 2008 possess a degree in B Tech in film and television production from the University of vocational technology also diplomas in television program production from university of vocational technology, film making–National film corporation, television production training at KBS channel Korea in 2017 had also followed a diploma course in writership and communication in university of Sri Jayewardenapura university.

During the tenure of over a decade at Derana television had been responsible for producing many novel musical programs hailed by viewers as ‘Ma Novena Mama’, ‘Leya saha Laya’,’Derana battle of the bands-Reality’,’ Mathaka 15’.’Christmas with Perera’s’,’Waya gaya Waya’,Dell studio 2015 season 1,Dell studio 2017 season 2 Sinhagiri  studios 2017 where songs of popular vocalists were rerecorded with new music compositions by musician Mahesh Denipitiya and his band. In Raigam Tele Awards TV Derana received a hat-trick of awards for the best television music program award .Chinthaka was instrumental for organizing fruitfully all Derana outdoor musical shows.

 As producer of many programs Chinthaka is accountable for making business and financial decisions including raising money for the project hiring director, presenter, musical band, crews. It is his obligation to approve any significant changes to the project. The producer has to take the initiative in the event of a problem to solve or a question to answer.

In the above context Chinthaka has excelled in his role as a program producer by creating new programs in his own inimitable style not hitherto found in other television channels with his analytical skills, assigning tasks, delegating, flexibility, planning to precision and prioritizing. In the context of the above Chinthaka Gamage has contributed immensely for television channel Derana is truly unprecedented.

Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane

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