UNFPA partners with Colombo Fashion Week 2021

UNFPA partners with Colombo Fashion Week 2021

Colombo Fashion Week President/Founder Ajai Vir Singh (left) and UNFPA Representative to Sri Lanka Ritsu Nacken signing the partnership agreement


A UNFPA supported survey in 2019 found that one in four (24.9%) women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence since age 15 by a partner or non-partner in Sri Lanka.

Across the world and in Sri Lanka, UNFPA supports Governments and women’s organisations to strengthen their response to violence against women and girls. Contrary to what is often believed, gender-based violence can happen to anyone, anywhere. A community approach is therefore required to ensure that all segments of society come together to take action to end violence against women and girls, and this is where fashion comes in – fashion for a cause.

For this reason, UNFPA partnered with Amilani Perera in 2020 to raise awareness on this issue. While continuing this collaboration for the second year, UNFPA recently partnered with HSBC Colombo Fashion Week Summer 2021 to reach out to more people on this issue of gender-based violence, with a special focus on Intimate Partner Violence.

UNFPA advocates for a world free of violence against women and girls and a place where everyone has access to sexual and reproductive health services and information, so women can make informed choices about their body and life. This is why UNFPA is partnering with the 18th edition of HSBC Colombo Fashion Week which is scheduled to be held on 25, 26 and 27 March, to use fashion as a platform to advocate for a safer world for all.

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