Catholics to attend Sunday church service on March 07 in black to protest against PCoI failure-By Norman Palihawadane

Catholics to attend Sunday church service on March 07 in black to protest against PCoI failure-By Norman Palihawadane


Sri Lankan Catholics have been requested to attend Sunday church service countrywide on March 7, dressed in black as a sign protest against the failure to apprehend the real culprits of the Easter Sunday carnage by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry.

Rev. Fr. Victor Jayamanne, Parish Priest of Dalugama Church said that the decision to conduct the protest had been taken with the concurrence of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka and Colombo Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith.

The Bishops’ Conference has decided to launch a series of countrywide protests seeking justice for the victims of the Easter Sunday terror attacks.

A special prayer printed on cards was distributed among the Catholics who attended yesterday’s services. They were asked to bring the card to the services next Sunday and pray for devine intervention to have justice served, Fr. Jayamanne said.

The prayer reads: “Almighty Father, God of Truth and Justice, we firmly believe that You never forsake your flock in the face of trials and tribulations. Immolated on the Cross, You have manifested your fathomless love for us.

Look with compassion on your children who are experiencing the bitter consequences of the horrendous terrorist attack on Easter Sunday of 2019. Lend Your ear to the earnest supplication of those, who through their tears, plead with You that the full and complete truth behind this bloodshed be made known. Just as the blood of Abel cried out to You for justice, the blood of our brothers and sisters, the Easter bomb victims, now cry out to You for truth and justice.

Guide our civil leaders to conduct all investigations impartially and with transparency. Protect our beloved motherland and our people that no such devastation would befall us again.

Mary, our Heavenly Mother you have always journeyed with us and consoled us, strengthening us with new hope in times of grief and despair. Hasten to intercede on our behalf before God, our Father in this moment of darkness and pain.

We make this prayer through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.”

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