LOVE & FRESH AIR – By Des Kelly

LOVE & FRESH AIR – By Des Kelly

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     A favourite “quote” of mine, necessarily stated many times, as we go through life, for the simple reason that, one cannot expect the niceties of everything around, gratis.

To get something, anything, “for free” nowadays would really have to be “Great Expectations”, as written by the great Charles Dickens, and good luck to those who do, but, although money is the root of all evil, as the famous song goes, we still do need it from time to time, to pay for the various necessities of life, e.g. paying taxes, “living”, no matter, how frugally, and then, “dying”(God rest our souls).

     To be born, in the first place, costs money, especially when, like this writer, one is born in a “lying-in-home” in Maradana, Ceylon. My mother, dear soul, though she was, panicked so badly, that, if she was forced to have a home-birth, I would not have been writing this very interesting article, right now. Then, of course, Dad,(God bless his soul), had to work, both at the Mercantile Bank, as a clerk, during the day, & part-time  at the Silver Fawn Night-club, from 8pm-midnight, as a cashier, 24/7, just to make ends meet, paying heavy taxes even during those “good old days”. So, 

I would say, that, as a result, we were not paupers, but, now,  suffice to inform my readers that even a church-mouse would have been affluent, in comparison. Then. I arrived in Australia in 1962, to beat dad’s record, and sometimes do a “triple-job” stint, paying, at times 52 cents in the dollar as tax, trying to keep myself alive, in order to write this.

Where I will go, after I die, is anybody’s guess, For me, my funeral expenses have already been taken care of, but, if I do end up in Heaven, I think that I will be a very lonely angel, as nearly all my so-called mates will end up in  “that other place”, and they deserve it, I guess. 

     So much for what MONEY can do for you. Now, to get back to the nitty-gritty of my favourite English Quote.


eLanka is, by far, the BEST Website for Lankan/Aussies & ex-patriots all over this World of ours. When Mr.Donald Trump’s “Space-Force” is established, doubtless, they will have us on-line there, as well. If, in future, the little Martians of the Red Planet, can get their antennae focussed correctly, eLanka will be available for perusal, up there, also.

We, @ eLanka are not avericious, or even greedy for money, as the case may be. We do not discriminate. Australia did have their “White-Australia” policy, in the 50’s but we don’t care what colour you are now. If you are not sure about this, you can “cover” your whole face up, when you go out, if this is your policy. It is happening right now, anyway. 

It is quite difficult to imagine how much value can be gained from advertising on eLanka!. EVERYTHING done on this Website is aimed to benefit all Lankans  (and others), out there. If you own a small business, wouldn’t it be much better if you could turn into a “big-one”?. Of course, you would, only please remember, whether you are a Doctor, Lawyer, Beggar-man, or Thief, eLanka cannot exist on the smell of an oily rag, or, for that matter, ON LOVE & FRESH AIR, all we ask is a donation to help us, help you, brighten up your day, as best we can. You could also telephone us  and, as Daniel O Conner says it in song, “Even if it’s only for a minute (would you call and say “hello”).

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Desmond Kelly

   Desmond Kelly

   Star of eLanka


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