The Traditional NSW Royal Thomian Derby at Doonside in Sydney Cnr Knox and Eastern Roads January 26th 2015 – Australia Day

Australia day dawned in Sydney with a blanket of grey all over the city and suburbs. In what is typically Australia the Sunday had been a scorcher with fire bans in force. So many were somewhat surprised to wake up the next day to grey skies and an intermittent drizzle a good English summer’s day! The temperature was an almost freezing 22 degrees not ideal for summer shorts. Later in the day most of Sydney was rained out. Ironically the rain God’s showed their respect for the local Royal Thomian that was played at Kareela Reserve as players, Umpires and supporters braved the sporadic drizzles to attend the match.
Picture : STC Open team

2015 was the STC OBA’s turn to organise the match. The Royal and Thomian OBA’s had met a week before to flesh out some of the details in the lead up to the big day. Eksath Perera in the last days of his office as President of the STC OBA in NSW had discussed, in committee, the feasibility of inviting Thomian cricketing legend Barney Reid to grace the event as Chief Guest. Barney to his credit accepted with a wonderful mixture of gratitude and boundless enthusiasm. He arrived on the day draped in a full suit, College tie and Straw hat cutting a rather elegant presence as he moved around talking to Royalists and Thomians. Many in the crowd remembered a ground record that Barney created in his first match on the college grounds; 8 wickets for 2 runs against St Sebastian’s at Mount Lavinia.Three matches were played on the day on two grounds. Each age group reflected their levels of agility and fitness. The classics batted, bowled and fielded more by lunging and plunging at thin air. The Masters were a tad more focused and agile but visibly displaying cracks and flat spots to indicate that they were preparing for their transition to the Classics team. The open game was the most professional exercise in as close to school boy tradition as possible. No favours were asked for or expected. The lads all played with plenty of focus and purpose. The watching crowd was entertained to some wonderful batting, bowling and fielding.
Picture : RC Open Team
There was a great display of sportsmanship displayed by both sides. Early in the classics game star Thomian striker Randolph managed to find a good enough reason to stop for a quick forty winks midway during a run. As soon as Randolph hit the deck the Royalists in a show of great sportsmanship immediately went to his aid ignoring an opportunity to run the batsmen out. Luckily for all Randolph recovered to continue his epic innings of 12 magnificent runs.The captain of STC Classics game Randy Morrell made this comment “My lasting memory of this match is my tumble and injury and the Royalists very generous gesture of not running me out ! The very special Umpiring by our Chief Guest , Barney Reid , and this must be a first for this or any Competition anywhere in the world , and the weather which held out , and this was an achievement of its own , considering what went on in the rest of Sydney !
Picture : Masters Teams
Special thanks to those who came from “far and wide” Melbourne and Brisbane David Garth and Sri Bhawan to help us out.Unfortunately on the day we were found wanting but not from lack of trying !”The awards ceremony at the end of the day displayed the true spirit of friendship and mateship between Royalists and Thomians. The battles fought and finished on the field the men and women swapped tales of new and old. Many were the friendships that were rekindled on the day. Eksath conducted proceedings in a timely and professional manner introducing each award winner and inviting them to receive their respective awards presented by Barney Reid. DayaThayananthan the President of the Royal OBA was gracious in his vote of thanks to Graham Masefield the reigning President of the STC OBA in NSW for the organisation and operation of the big match by the STC OBA. Eksath thanked Barney and enlightened the audience, if it was ever needed, about the vast contributions the five Reid brothers had made to Thomian history. PrassanaKariyawasam thanked the players from both schools for their participation to uphold tradition and create history. He thanked the supporters for making the effort to be present adding colour and glamour to the occasion.
Picture : Classics Team
Barney spoke with passion and respect about Royal resilience and Thomain grit briefly touching on his experiences as a player for STC and as a coach for STC. He spoke with passion and down to earth sincerity and so endeared himself to an appreciative audience and supporters from both schools. Such were the memories kindled by Barney’s fine speech that when the Old Boys of both schools stood up to sing their college songs it was lusty, full of spirit and passion. In a wonderful display of mateship many were the Royalists who lent their voices to the Thomian anthem as were Thomians who did the same when the Royalists sang. The audience was moved to observe how Barney gently positioned himself between two Royalists, his big arms draped on their shoulders, belting out the Royal anthem; neither a word nor note was missed – such is the Royal Thomian spirit it simply uplifts and empowers.
The day ended with the enthusiastic and passionate singing of the Thomian and Royal College songs.Estoperpetua
Pictures of the days happening can be viewed at the following Gallery Link
STC Capt: Randy MorrellClassics Game Rama Sellamuttu TrophyRC Capt: PrasannaKariyawsam
STC – 73/6 off 20 OversRC – 79 / 0 off 14 Overs
Batting -STCBowling- RoyalBatting – Royal
Sri Bawan – 15 RetiredSomeshSunderam – 15 RetiredRandy Morrell – 12 RetiredMahenSelvarajah 3/11Suren Chanmugam – 3/18PrasannaKariyawasam 18 RetiredTony Rankin – 15 RetiredRajkumarKarunairatnam – 15 Retired
Best Batsman -STC Best Bowler – Royal Best Fielder – STC MOM – RoyalSri Bawan MahenSelvarajah Randolph Morrell Tony Rankin
STC Capt: Lasantha PerisMasters Game Mabel Morrell TrophyRC Capt: SkandaGunaratnam
STC 163/7 in 30 OversRC 151/7 in 30 Overs
Batting -STCBowling- Royal / STCBatting – Royal
Chitral Perera 31 RetiredShaanChing 26 RetiredJeyanJeevaratnam 19Lasantha Peris 19Rajkumar 3/30SkandaGunaratnam 2/28Lasantha Peris 3/12Chitral Perera 1/15Nimalan Karthikeyan 30 Retired Radesh Chanmugam 31 Retired Dinesh De Silva 30 Retired
Best Batsman – Royal Best Bowler – STC Best Fielder – Royal MOM – STCRadeshChanmugam Lasantha Peris JanakaSubasinghe Chitral Perera
STC Capt: Denham WilliamsOpen Game E C Gunesekara TrophyRC Capt: Vineetha Rajakaruna
STC – 226 all out in 39 oversRC – 256 for 9 off 40 Overs
Batting -STCBowling- Royal / STCBatting – Royal
Denham Williams – 67
Ruwan – 61
Rajitha Wijesekara 2/31
Vineetha Rajakaruna 3/22
Davinal 2/29
Ruwan 3/35
Chin 2/56
Umesh 2/21
PruthuwiAttanayake – 43
Davinal – 45
Kugan – 25
YatheesRuban – 27
Best Batsman – STCBest Bowler – STCBest Fielder – RoyalMOM – RoyalDenham WilliamsRuvenPruthuwiAttanayakeVineethaRajakaruna
 p5 p6

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