Dutugemunu’s Ten Giant Warriors: The Legendary Guardians of Sri Lanka

Dutugemunu’s Ten Giant Warriors: The Legendary Guardians of Sri Lanka – By Bhanuka – eLanka

Ten Giant warriors

The saga of Dutugemunu’s Ten Giant Warriors is deeply embedded in the cultural and historical fabric of Sri Lanka. These ten legendary warriors were not only formidable fighters but also exemplars of loyalty, bravery, and strategic acumen. They played a crucial role in King Dutugemunu’s campaign to unify Sri Lanka and liberate it from the rule of the Tamil King Elara. Each warrior’s tale is a fascinating blend of myth and history, reflecting the rich tradition of Sri Lankan storytelling.

Introduction to the Ten Giant Warriors

King Dutugemunu, who reigned in the 2nd century BCE, is one of Sri Lanka’s most revered historical figures. His campaign to overthrow the Tamil King Elara and unify the island under a single rule is celebrated as a monumental achievement in Sri Lankan history. Central to his success were his Ten Giant Warriors, each of whom possessed extraordinary abilities and unwavering dedication to their king and country.

These ten warriors were:

  1. Nandimitra
  2. Suranimala
  3. Mahasona
  4. Gotaimbara
  5. Theraputtabhaya
  6. Bharana
  7. Velusumanna
  8. Kanjadeva
  9. Phussadeva
  10. Labhiyavasabha

Each warrior brought unique skills and strengths to the battlefield, contributing significantly to Dutugemunu’s victory and the establishment of a unified kingdom.

1. Nandimitra: The Colossal Strength

Nandimitra, also known as Nandhimitra, is often considered the strongest of the ten warriors. His strength was legendary, and he was reputed to have the power of ten elephants. Nandimitra’s loyalty to Dutugemunu was unwavering, and he was known for his immense physical prowess and martial skills.

Early Life and Background

Nandimitra was born into a family with a strong martial tradition. From a young age, he exhibited extraordinary physical strength and a keen interest in martial arts. His upbringing was marked by rigorous training, both in physical combat and strategic thinking. His father, a respected warrior, ensured that Nandimitra was well-versed in various forms of combat, including wrestling, swordsmanship, and archery.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Nandimitra joined Dutugemunu’s army during a critical phase of the campaign against King Elara. His reputation as a formidable warrior had already spread across the island, and his inclusion in Dutugemunu’s forces was seen as a significant boost to the morale and strength of the army. Nandimitra’s loyalty and dedication quickly earned him the trust and respect of Dutugemunu and his fellow warriors.

Notable Feats and Battles

Nandimitra’s most notable feat was his legendary encounter during the Battle of Vijithapura. According to historical accounts, Nandimitra single-handedly lifted a massive stone, reputed to weigh several tons, and hurled it at the enemy forces. This act of immense strength caused significant destruction and demoralized Elara’s troops, contributing to Dutugemunu’s victory.

In another famous incident, Nandimitra is said to have uprooted a large tree and used it as a weapon to fend off enemy soldiers. His ability to wield such an unconventional weapon with ease further cemented his reputation as a warrior of unparalleled strength.


Nandimitra’s legacy is one of extraordinary physical prowess and unyielding loyalty. He is remembered as a symbol of strength and dedication, inspiring future generations of warriors. His contributions to Dutugemunu’s campaign were crucial in securing victory and unifying Sri Lanka.

2. Suranimala: The Swift and Stealthy

Suranimala, another of Dutugemunu’s ten giants, was renowned for his speed and stealth. His agility and ability to move silently made him an invaluable asset in reconnaissance missions and surprise attacks.

Early Life and Background

Suranimala was born into a family of hunters and trackers. His early life was spent in the dense forests of Sri Lanka, where he honed his skills in tracking and hunting. His exceptional speed and stealth were evident from a young age, and he was often tasked with difficult hunting missions that required these skills.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Suranimala’s abilities caught the attention of Dutugemunu’s scouts, and he was recruited into the king’s army. His expertise in stealth and reconnaissance made him a key figure in planning and executing surprise attacks against Elara’s forces.

Notable Feats and Battles

One of Suranimala’s most notable contributions was during the siege of a heavily fortified enemy camp. Using his stealth skills, he infiltrated the camp at night and gathered crucial intelligence on the enemy’s defenses. This information allowed Dutugemunu to plan a successful attack, leading to a decisive victory.

In another instance, Suranimala led a small contingent of warriors in a daring raid on an enemy supply line. His speed and knowledge of the terrain allowed him to outmaneuver the enemy, disrupting their supply chain and weakening their ability to sustain prolonged battles.


Suranimala’s legacy is one of agility, stealth, and strategic brilliance. His contributions were critical in several key victories, and his ability to operate undetected in enemy territory made him a legend among his peers.

3. Mahasona: The Fearsome

Mahasona, whose name means “Great Graveyard,” was known for his fearsome appearance and fierce fighting style. His imposing presence on the battlefield struck terror into the hearts of his enemies.

Early Life and Background

Mahasona was born in a remote village and grew up amidst tales of legendary warriors and epic battles. From a young age, he exhibited a natural talent for combat and was trained by some of the best warriors in his region. His fearsome appearance, characterized by his large stature and fierce expression, earned him the nickname “Mahasona.”

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Mahasona’s reputation as a fearsome warrior reached Dutugemunu, who recognized the value of having such a figure in his ranks. Mahasona was recruited into the army and quickly became one of Dutugemunu’s most trusted warriors.

Notable Feats and Battles

Mahasona’s most famous feat was during the Battle of Mahiyangana. Facing a significantly larger enemy force, Mahasona led a charge that broke through the enemy lines. His fearsome presence and relentless fighting style caused panic among the enemy troops, leading to their eventual rout.

In another battle, Mahasona’s intimidating presence and combat prowess turned the tide in favor of Dutugemunu’s forces. His ability to instill fear in the enemy and inspire his own troops was a crucial factor in several key victories.


Mahasona’s legacy is one of fearlessness and ferocity. He is remembered as a warrior who could turn the tide of battle through sheer force of will and presence. His contributions to Dutugemunu’s campaign were instrumental in securing key victories.

4. Gotaimbara: The Unyielding

Gotaimbara was known for his unyielding spirit and resilience. No matter the odds, he never backed down from a fight, earning him a reputation as a tenacious and determined warrior.

Early Life and Background

Gotaimbara was born into a family of farmers, but his spirit was always that of a warrior. From a young age, he showed an indomitable will and a desire to prove himself in combat. His resilience and determination set him apart, and he quickly gained a reputation as someone who never gave up, no matter the challenge.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Recognizing Gotaimbara’s potential, Dutugemunu recruited him into his army. Gotaimbara’s unyielding spirit made him a valuable addition, particularly in situations where morale and determination were crucial.

Notable Feats and Battles

Gotaimbara’s most notable feat was during the siege of an enemy fortress. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Gotaimbara led a small contingent of warriors in a relentless assault on the fortress walls. His determination and refusal to retreat inspired his men, and they eventually breached the walls, leading to a decisive victory.

In another instance, Gotaimbara’s resilience in the face of a prolonged battle allowed Dutugemunu’s forces to hold their ground against a superior enemy force. His ability to maintain morale and keep fighting, even when the situation seemed dire, was a key factor in the eventual victory.


Gotaimbara’s legacy is one of unyielding determination and resilience. He is remembered as a warrior who never backed down, no matter the odds. His contributions to Dutugemunu’s campaign were crucial in maintaining morale and securing key victories.

5. Theraputtabhaya: The Strategist

Theraputtabhaya was known for his strategic brilliance and tactical acumen. His ability to plan and execute complex battle strategies made him an invaluable asset to Dutugemunu’s campaign.

Early Life and Background

Theraputtabhaya was born into a family of scholars and strategists. From a young age, he exhibited a keen mind and a talent for strategic thinking. His upbringing was marked by rigorous study and training in military tactics and strategy, making him a formidable strategist.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Theraputtabhaya’s reputation as a brilliant strategist caught the attention of Dutugemunu, who saw the value of having such a mind in his ranks. Theraputtabhaya was recruited into the army and quickly became one of Dutugemunu’s most trusted advisors.

Notable Feats and Battles

Theraputtabhaya’s most notable contribution was his role in planning the siege of Anuradhapura, the capital city under Elara’s control. His strategic planning and execution were critical in breaching the city’s defenses and securing a decisive victory for Dutugemunu.

In another instance, Theraputtabhaya’s tactical acumen allowed Dutugemunu’s forces to outmaneuver a larger enemy force. His ability to anticipate the enemy’s moves and plan accordingly was a key factor in several key victories.


Theraputtabhaya’s legacy is one of strategic brilliance and tactical acumen. He is remembered as a strategist whose plans and tactics were instrumental in securing victory for Dutugemunu. His contributions were crucial in several key battles, making him one of the most respected figures in Dutugemunu’s army.

6. Bharana: The Unseen Archer

Bharana was renowned for his exceptional archery skills and ability to strike targets from great distances with incredible accuracy. His prowess with the bow made him a feared and respected warrior.

Early Life and Background

Bharana was born into a family of skilled archers. From a young age, he displayed a natural talent for archery, often hitting targets with pinpoint accuracy. His early training focused on honing his skills and developing his ability to shoot accurately from long distances.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Bharana’s reputation as a master archer reached Dutugemunu, who recognized the strategic value of having such a skilled marksman in his ranks. Bharana was recruited into the army, and his exceptional archery skills quickly made him one of Dutugemunu’s most valued warriors.

Notable Feats and Battles

Bharana’s most famous feat was during the Battle of Kapitthakandara, where he single-handedly took out several of Elara’s top commanders with his bow. His ability to strike targets from great distances caused chaos and confusion in the enemy ranks, contributing significantly to Dutugemunu’s victory.

In another instance, Bharana’s precise archery skills were instrumental in defending a critical pass against a numerically superior enemy force. His ability to take out key targets from a distance helped to hold the pass and secure a strategic advantage for Dutugemunu’s forces.


Bharana’s legacy is one of exceptional archery skills and precision. He is remembered as a master archer whose contributions were crucial in several key battles. His ability to strike targets from a distance made him a feared and respected figure in Dutugemunu’s army.

7. Velusumanna: The Master of Disguise

Velusumanna was known for his ability to blend in and disguise himself, making him an invaluable asset for espionage and reconnaissance missions. His skills in gathering intelligence and infiltrating enemy lines were unmatched.

Early Life and Background

Velusumanna was born into a family of spies and informants. From a young age, he was trained in the art of disguise and infiltration. His ability to blend in and gather intelligence without being detected was evident from an early age, making him a natural choice for espionage missions.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Velusumanna’s skills caught the attention of Dutugemunu, who recognized the strategic advantage of having a master of disguise in his ranks. Velusumanna was recruited into the army, where his skills in espionage and reconnaissance quickly made him an invaluable asset.

Notable Feats and Battles

One of Velusumanna’s most notable contributions was during the planning of the siege of Vijithapura. Disguised as a common laborer, Velusumanna infiltrated the enemy’s camp and gathered critical intelligence on their defenses and supply lines. This information allowed Dutugemunu to plan a successful siege that ultimately led to the fall of Vijithapura.

In another instance, Velusumanna’s ability to blend in allowed him to gather crucial intelligence on an enemy ambush, allowing Dutugemunu’s forces to avoid the trap and launch a counter-attack that led to a decisive victory.


Velusumanna’s legacy is one of stealth and intelligence. He is remembered as a master of disguise whose contributions were crucial in several key battles. His ability to gather intelligence and infiltrate enemy lines made him an invaluable asset to Dutugemunu’s campaign.

8. Kanjadeva: The Invincible

Kanjadeva was known for his invincibility in battle. No matter the odds, he always emerged victorious, earning him a reputation as an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Early Life and Background

Kanjadeva was born into a family of warriors and grew up amidst tales of legendary battles and heroes. From a young age, he showed a natural talent for combat and an indomitable spirit. His training was rigorous, and he quickly gained a reputation as a warrior who could not be defeated.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Kanjadeva’s reputation as an invincible warrior reached Dutugemunu, who saw the value of having such a figure in his ranks. Kanjadeva was recruited into the army, where his unbroken string of victories made him one of Dutugemunu’s most celebrated warriors.

Notable Feats and Battles

Kanjadeva’s most notable feat was during the Battle of Vijithapura, where he faced off against one of Elara’s most formidable generals. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, Kanjadeva fought with unmatched ferocity and skill, ultimately defeating his opponent and turning the tide of the battle in favor of Dutugemunu’s forces.

In another battle, Kanjadeva’s invincibility was on full display as he single-handedly held off an enemy advance, allowing Dutugemunu’s forces to regroup and launch a counter-attack that led to a decisive victory.


Kanjadeva’s legacy is one of invincibility and unmatched combat prowess. He is remembered as a warrior who could not be defeated, no matter the odds. His contributions to Dutugemunu’s campaign were crucial in several key victories, making him one of the most celebrated figures in Sri Lankan history.

9. Phussadeva: The Master Swordsman

Phussadeva was known for his exceptional skills with the sword. His ability to wield the blade with unmatched precision and speed made him a feared and respected warrior.

Early Life and Background

Phussadeva was born into a family of swordsmiths and warriors. From a young age, he displayed a natural talent for swordsmanship, often practicing for hours each day to perfect his skills. His early training focused on speed, precision, and technique, making him a formidable swordsman.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Phussadeva’s reputation as a master swordsman reached Dutugemunu, who recognized the value of having such a skilled warrior in his ranks. Phussadeva was recruited into the army, and his exceptional swordsmanship quickly made him one of Dutugemunu’s most valued warriors.

Notable Feats and Battles

Phussadeva’s most famous feat was during the Battle of Mahiyangana, where he faced off against one of Elara’s most skilled swordsmen. Despite being evenly matched, Phussadeva’s superior technique and speed allowed him to defeat his opponent, leading to a key victory for Dutugemunu’s forces.

In another instance, Phussadeva’s exceptional swordsmanship was instrumental in defending a critical pass against a numerically superior enemy force. His ability to take out key targets with precision and speed helped to hold the pass and secure a strategic advantage for Dutugemunu’s forces.


Phussadeva’s legacy is one of exceptional swordsmanship and precision. He is remembered as a master swordsman whose contributions were crucial in several key battles. His ability to wield the blade with unmatched skill made him a feared and respected figure in Dutugemunu’s army.

10. Labhiyavasabha: The Protector

Labhiyavasabha was known for his role as the protector of Dutugemunu and his army. His dedication to defending his king and fellow warriors made him a beloved figure in the army.

Early Life and Background

Labhiyavasabha was born into a family of guards and protectors. From a young age, he displayed a natural talent for defense and protection, often putting himself in harm’s way to defend others. His early training focused on shielding and defensive techniques, making him a formidable protector.

Joining Dutugemunu’s Forces

Labhiyavasabha’s reputation as a dedicated protector reached Dutugemunu, who saw the value of having such a figure in his ranks. Labhiyavasabha was recruited into the army, where his dedication to defending his king and fellow warriors quickly made him one of Dutugemunu’s most beloved warriors.

Notable Feats and Battles

Labhiyavasabha’s most notable contribution was during the Battle of Vijithapura, where he defended Dutugemunu against a surprise attack. His quick thinking and defensive skills allowed him to shield the king and fend off the attackers, ensuring Dutugemunu’s safety and leading to a decisive victory.

In another instance, Labhiyavasabha’s dedication to protection was on full display as he defended a critical position against an enemy assault. His ability to hold the line and protect his fellow warriors allowed Dutugemunu’s forces to regroup and launch a counter-attack that led to a decisive victory.


Labhiyavasabha’s legacy is one of dedication and protection. He is remembered as a warrior whose primary focus was the defense of his king and fellow warriors. His contributions to Dutugemunu’s campaign were crucial in several key battles, making him a beloved figure in Sri Lankan history.

The stories of Dutugemunu’s Ten Giant Warriors are a testament to the rich cultural and historical heritage of Sri Lanka. Their bravery, loyalty, and exceptional skills played a crucial role in Dutugemunu’s campaign to unify the island, and their legends continue to inspire future generations. Each warrior’s unique abilities and contributions highlight the diverse talents that were brought together under Dutugemunu’s leadership, creating a formidable force that changed the course of Sri Lankan history.

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