The Red Mosque (Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque), Colombo, Sri Lanka – By Nadeeka – eLanka

The Red Mosque (Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque), Colombo, Sri Lanka – By Nadeeka – eLanka

The Red Mosque

The Red Mosque, also known as Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque, is one of Colombo’s most iconic landmarks. Known for its striking red and white candy-striped façade, it stands out as a beacon of religious and cultural significance. This article delves into the history, architectural features, and cultural impact of the Red Mosque, offering a comprehensive overview of this architectural marvel.

Historical Background

Early History

The Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque was built in 1908 by the local Muslim community in Pettah, one of the oldest districts in Colombo. At the time, Colombo was a bustling port city under British colonial rule, and the mosque served as a religious and community center for Muslim traders and residents.

Construction and Design

The mosque was designed and constructed by Habibu Labbe Saibu Labbe, a local architect of South Indian origin. The design is inspired by Indo-Saracenic architecture, a style that blends Islamic, Indian, and Victorian Gothic elements. The mosque’s construction was funded by the local Muslim community, reflecting their commitment to preserving their cultural and religious heritage.

Expansion and Renovations

Over the years, the mosque has undergone several expansions and renovations to accommodate the growing Muslim population in Colombo. Despite these changes, the mosque has retained its original architectural charm and continues to be a vital religious institution in the city.

The Red Mosque

Architectural Features

Exterior Design

The most striking feature of the Red Mosque is its vibrant red and white striped exterior, which resembles a piece of candy. The façade is adorned with intricate patterns and motifs, including geometric designs and floral decorations. The mosque’s minarets, domes, and arches are characteristic of Islamic architecture, while the use of vibrant colors adds a unique touch.

Interior Design

The interior of the mosque is equally impressive, with a spacious prayer hall that can accommodate thousands of worshippers. The hall is adorned with intricate tile work, chandeliers, and ornate carvings. The mihrab, a niche in the wall indicating the direction of Mecca, is beautifully decorated with Quranic calligraphy and intricate patterns.

Minarets and Domes

The mosque features several minarets and domes, each with its unique design. The minarets are tall and slender, adorned with intricate patterns and topped with crescent moons. The domes are large and round, with a distinctive red and white striped pattern that matches the rest of the mosque.

Geometric Patterns

Geometric patterns play a significant role in the mosque’s design. These patterns, which are a hallmark of Islamic art, are used to decorate the walls, floors, and ceilings. The patterns are not only visually stunning but also hold spiritual significance, representing the infinite nature of Allah.


Quranic calligraphy is another important feature of the mosque’s interior. Verses from the Quran are intricately inscribed on the walls, adding a spiritual and artistic dimension to the mosque. The calligraphy is often combined with geometric and floral patterns, creating a harmonious blend of art and spirituality.

Cultural and Religious Significance

A Center of Worship

The Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque serves as a major center of worship for Colombo’s Muslim community. It is particularly busy during Friday prayers and Islamic festivals such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. The mosque also hosts religious classes and community events, playing a vital role in the spiritual and social life of the local Muslim population.

A Symbol of Heritage

The mosque is a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Colombo’s Muslim community. It stands as a testament to the community’s resilience and dedication to preserving their religious and cultural identity. The mosque’s unique architectural style also reflects the multicultural influences that have shaped Colombo over the centuries.

Tourist Attraction

The Red Mosque is a popular tourist attraction in Colombo. Its unique architecture and vibrant colors draw visitors from around the world. Tourists are often fascinated by the mosque’s design and its historical significance. The mosque also offers guided tours, providing visitors with insights into its history, architecture, and religious importance.

Social and Community Impact

Community Services

The mosque provides a range of community services, including educational programs, charity work, and social support for the needy. These services reflect the Islamic principles of compassion and social justice, reinforcing the mosque’s role as a pillar of the community.

Educational Programs

The mosque offers religious education classes for children and adults, helping to preserve Islamic knowledge and traditions. These programs include Quranic studies, Arabic language classes, and lessons on Islamic ethics and history.

Charity Work

Charity is a fundamental aspect of Islamic practice, and the Red Mosque is actively involved in various charitable initiatives. The mosque organizes food distribution, medical camps, and financial assistance for the poor and needy, reflecting the community’s commitment to social welfare.

Challenges and Preservation

Urbanization and Development

Like many historical buildings, the Red Mosque faces challenges from urbanization and development. The surrounding area of Pettah is a bustling commercial district, and the mosque must navigate the pressures of modernization while preserving its historical integrity.

Preservation Efforts

Efforts to preserve the mosque’s architectural and historical significance are ongoing. These efforts include regular maintenance, careful restoration of original features, and initiatives to promote awareness about the mosque’s cultural importance. The mosque’s administration works closely with heritage conservation experts to ensure that any renovations are in line with its historical and architectural value.

Future Prospects

Continued Significance

As Colombo continues to grow and evolve, the Red Mosque will undoubtedly remain a significant religious and cultural landmark. Its unique architecture and rich history will continue to attract worshippers, tourists, and heritage enthusiasts alike.

Heritage Conservation

Ongoing efforts to preserve and protect the mosque will ensure that it remains a vital part of Colombo’s cultural landscape. These efforts will help maintain the mosque’s historical integrity while allowing it to adapt to the needs of the contemporary Muslim community.

Educational and Cultural Hub

The mosque has the potential to expand its role as an educational and cultural hub. By offering more programs and activities, the mosque can further engage the local community and promote intercultural understanding. Its unique architectural style can also serve as a case study for students of architecture and history.


The Red Mosque, or Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque, is more than just a place of worship. It is a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Colombo’s Muslim community, a masterpiece of architectural design, and a beacon of religious and social significance. As Colombo continues to modernize, the mosque stands as a reminder of the city’s diverse history and cultural richness. Its continued preservation and significance are vital for future generations to appreciate and learn from this architectural and cultural marvel.

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