
image source By instagram

K Sujeewa ( Karunatanam Sujeewa) is a multifaceted personality extremely happy with her single parent concept spending and looking after the daughter duo with her own funds. Born as the third sibling to a well to do parents in Batticaloa, mother with roots in Valvettithurai  in Jaffna district. Sujeewa had been bought as a pre mature baby hence she was tiny in stature, born when her father was working in France. Her elder sister and brother are very much elder to her. Sujeewa was disliked by mother and sister as she was  very open minded on her utterings, in short she was straightforward person. When she was in the second standard the elder siblings were in the advanced level classes. When her elder sister got married she and mother had not allowed Sujeewa to be the bridesmaid. Sujeewa had been very dark, thin looked ugly not looking pleasing at all. Often she had overheard the home folks uttering she is a dark Tamil girl not suited to the family and with such similar remarks  etc which had hurt her to tall boosts.



The parents had ill-treated her even adding that to spend for her they have no money which made her life at home miserable. Mother had said if you want to stay at home it was alright by her. But money was spent lavishly for the elder brother and sister for the education which hurt the feelings of Sujeewa Hence she preferred to be at school than at home, her school was Vincent Girl’s school Batticaloa at which she had studied up to fifth standard. She was dropped at school by a chauffeur driven car  Sujeewa had been a misfit in school who had never wanted to study but had confessed that she could remember snappishly all what was taught was effortlessly  absorbed by her, very  much more than the other students. During that era the LTTE war was in full force ,each dwelling was provided with a bunker to take evasive  action .All had been taught what precautionary measures to be taken at times of attacks like strikes of artilleries, missiles and  bombs,  as  how to escape to safer places by crawling or creeping hence she had developed a lot of stamina while she practiced them.



Sujeewa and others knew the time gap frequency after one artillery was fired as to reload it takes time until the next was reloaded to fire. She had said only a maximum of about ten days she had to attend school for the entire term owing to the war the school had not functioned.  She had sat for the scholarship examination, when the results were out her mother had accompanied her to view the results on the notice board.. Initially mother had checked the failures list when her name was not found she had viewed the pass list with minimum marks with cut off marks ,there too her name was not publicized. The mother had thought that she may not have sat for the exam, as she was used to cutting school, loitering in streets, plucking fruits from neighbouring flora and even buying ‘marker pens’ , was used to change names on name boards. However, when the best results list was checked Sujeewa ‘s name was found at the top of an elusive list  with 197 marks which was incidentally the best island result. The Principal had been shocked and elated had offered Sujeewa and mother seats in her office. She recalls that she possesses the unique ability to grasp what the teacher said hence she was at a huge advantage over other students.



Sujeewa recollected how she learnt the style to write essays from a  teacher who was blind named Eriwil Moorthy who was a competent in Tamil literature and for composing lyrics to songs. She was to relate the passages to the blind teacher who told how to present them in an essay form. To her tuition class too she was not attending regularly. When she is dropped at the gate of the tuition master’s house she had pretended as if she was going into the dwelling of the tuition master but she had left the tuition master’s dwelling unnoticed for her to indulge in her loitering hobby. Sujeewa had proclaimed that she preferred to attend his classes as she could consume the buns and tea supplied to him by his wife also as his garden was full of fruit trees which she was able to pluck and consume. Sujeewa has added that this experience had been useful to her career later as a presenter.


With her booming scholarship results Sujeewa was an automatic choice to High school Kandy where she had to be boarded was admitted to the bio stream in the English medium. There too she was confronted with the language barrier. In the first year she used to take down the English words in Tamil. Her period in both schools she had found the stay to be very pleasant enjoying every minute she was in the schools. This life to Sujeewa was very contended as he wanted somehow to be away from home as much as possible. Even during most vacations Sujeewa opted to remain in hostel as the only girl who remained in the hostel with a teacher who was incidentally the tennis coach. This was an opportunity for Sujeewa to play tennis at which time she had said not even touched a tennis ball. Sujeewa had possessed a lot of stamina which was pondered even by her tennis coach Dishney, as she could go on and on playing tennis sans  a break. When in grade seven she had won the first gold medal for tennis. Sujeewa had triumphed in the game tennis playing for school, cluster groups, houses, then district schools and thereafter to Asian games visiting about seventeen cities in countries winning sixteen gold medals. In school at High school Kandy Sujeewa had also excelled too in singing and playing the violin. For her advanced level she had selected to study Royal College UK English literature like Shakespeare English. Her best English teacher had been Richard de Zoysa and also Ravi John who were expert English teachers who were  then her ‘dream’ boy friends. When she played for Asian games she had to practice at the YMCA tennis courts.For her advanced level Sujeewa had sat for nine subjects including Tamil had triumphed with  distinctions in all nine subjects..


For her achievement she was named a ‘star’ student who had to represent school in many activities sporting the school ‘blazer’ which was a delight to Sujeewa. Although her mother wanted her to follow maths she had opted  to do bio science. She had triumphed in the advanced level with two ‘A’s and two ‘B’s..With these results she had got easy admission to the Peradeniya university to study medicine at which she had studied only for one and a half years according to her  own ‘chill’.( option) Sujeewa had decided to leave the university .She recollects that her hair was very long then had emanated a bad odour had cut her hair. At the same there was pressure from home to have her engagement to her cousin to which she too was not in favour. Even Rajkumar too had said to her to somehow endeavour to escape from this marriage issue This was pre-arranged for a long time since the two were very young, had even bathed together as close family units. However ,Rajkumar was eight years elder to her.She was of the similar stand she was too young to marry ,did not know at all to grip responsibilities .The duo had disliked each other it was the parents who were adamant to make this marriage a reality. The boy Rajkumar ‘s father then was a HQI,in the Police  then ,were well recognized posh folks who could even escape from any offence by showing his  identity card. The two Dad’s who were related were very close and friendly from young days. Her elder siblings had got married sans  functions .The parents of Sujeewa had wanted to have a grand wedding for seven days to show the villages  celebrating  the wedding .During this time Sujeewa had claimed refugee status by appealing to the UK embassy  like many others had vanished to UK had entered the Middlesex university. As she was in a university was not difficult as in Sri Lanka doing bio science the entry to the Middlesex university was possible also as she had known her English vernacular very well both spoken and written. During the first year until she got settled, she has had a tough period. The accommodation had to be shared with five students. Food too was shared among the room mates ,  it was mostly rice and chicken one day, then rice and potatoes, then rice and tomatoes boiled, then egg and rice boiled in  a rice cooker had to be contented with this monotonous pattern.. Life  was like that  not that rosy at the beginning. Sujeewa had ‘batch topped’ at the end of year she had been elected to lecture for her expertise over the other undergraduates. Out of this profession she had earned money which were invested on further studies.


When Sujeewa was just sixteen years old her father in particular had forcibly made her engaged to her nephew  an old Royalist a refined ‘posh’ individual  who was no match to Sujeewa as a typical unimpressive village girl from rural Batticaloa. Both Sujeewa and the partner Rajkumar was  not at all convinced and happy about this proposal and the subsequent  engagement. Sujeewa was deeply concerned about her dark complexion was adamant to become fair had applied many types of face and body creams but had been of no avail. She had decided to travel to UK for higher education to earn and get treatment for her skin colour. Sujeewa had a wonderful aptitude to absorb what was taught very swiftly hence to follow higher studies was an advantage to her. Sujeewa had worked to earn her university fees for following courses in psychology and cosmetology had successfully obtained degrees. She had studied and taken treatment from specialist skin  doctor Anver which had helped her to change her dark complexion to a fairer complexion to look very much better as her features were pleasing.


After returning to Sri Lanka Sujeewa was blessed with her daughter Anjali Rajkumar when she was twenty-two years old.When she was seven months into her pregnancy  Rajkumar had sought a divorce. Her delivery of child  had delayed by seventeen days. The Gynaecologist had said there are no heart beats ,it is unlikely the baby will live will endeavour to save the mother.Sujeewa had informed the doctor to save only the baby to which the doctor had not consented to. But through a caesarean operation Anjali was born. The marriage had ruptured before long. Sujeewa had felt that there were plans to kidnap Anjali, to evade this  when Anjali was just two years old Sujeewa decided to jump into a train and come to Colombo with rupees one hundred and fifty only  sans any motive only to have the possession of  Anjali .This journey  had been the turning point in her career. She had rented out a dwelling in Wattala after having found money by selling some jewelleries belonging to her ‘Loku Amma’. This occurred when Sujeewa was twenty two and Anjali was two years which to those who believe in ‘angel numbers’ which are like 222 when 22  and 2  ages numbers when are joined together. The success of Sujeewa’s life from then with the addition of Rose after twelve years cannot be explained. This vibe  between the trio is astonishing is inexplicable.



Sujeewa had possessed a huge talent for speaking and writing skills in English as she had studied the Royal College of London courses in English theory and in  English vernacular. As a writer she had been once entrusted to be the editor of the Arabic Queen Magazine. Hence for her to find an employment was not an issue having possessed sufficient qualifications. Sujeewa was such a competent individual conversant in diverse fields. Her first occupation was however a radio presenter, then a television presenter elevated later to a program manager. During the initial days of her presenting career she had to commence the morning belt at 5 AM hence had to leave Anjali and drive from Ja Ela dwelling at 3 AM. During early stages She had confessed that she keeps the radio on so that Anjali will know mother is away at work.


Her early days as a presenter Sujeewa had even won an award for her immaculate performances. Sujeewa had performed as a Tamil artiste to sing in musical concerts .Performing in concerts too from which she earned an additional income. It is appropriate to mention that Sujeewa with her perseverance had already completed the music degree NCOMS which is the higher qualification one could achieve in Indian Carnatic music. Sujeewa had commenced serious singing only when Anjali was eight years old. She also worked as a dermatologist with her qualifications at a reputed establishment. Sujeewa had been endeavouring to work at many places as possible purely to earn as much money as possible for hers and Anjali’s expenses. Sujeewa had also done counselling at ‘Sumithrayo’ as she possessed a degree in psychology, also had worked as a business development officer in a company owned by a foreigner. During this era she had got an appointment in Dubai related to writing talents as sub editor in a Gulf construction magazine an Arabian firm  .She later had been made the Editor in the magazine. She used to return to Sri Lanka during that era every three months to see Anjali.  It is prudent to mention that she had a knack to execute well in a variety of professions, which she performed executing them with pleasure. In later in real life  she had slept only for a few hours at night attending to all home chaos apart from cooking doing even gardening at late night like a machine. In addition she had looked after the dogs and other pets. Later on she had commenced a beauty salon having studied the trade while in London having experience in skin treatment. By this period Sujeewa had learnt the main areas about running family life like been proficient in time management, life management and financial management. Sujeewa has compared herself to a clean glass of water which could be seen through as same from all angles.



The daughters too had followed her when growing. Sujeewa never scold them only inspires them handling them in a sentimental manner though becoming emotional at most times. She sheds tears for the slightest worry which the daughters have expressed to the media. Sujeewa in this manner is a sturdy mother who never devotes time for her enjoyment. The second daughter Rose is twelve years younger born after a few years of her second marriage to musician , vocalist of Flashback musical group Suneth Kelum after having a grand wedding ceremony having invited many stars in the music industry. It was Suneth Kelum who had made the music compositions for many of her songs  After a few years of marriage and birth of Rose he had left her rupturing her second marriage  to marry another girl.It was during this period and immediately thereafter many songs of Sujeewa and also duets with Anjali and Rose that were recorded which became hits, There have been many instances when the trio made appearances in television channels and musical concerts to be known among the public.The songs that comes to mind are “Igi Marana Tharu Rena Ko,’Arawainda,  Yaaye’, “Rappara”,Aravinda Yaye’.’Api Prasiddai”,”Kiyanna Himiyani”etc,



After Suneth Kelum left it was Ajit Muttucumarana a more recognised vocalist, owner of many bands who had known and met Sujeewa several times had got attached fallen in love and got married. Ajit had divorced his wife had lived a very happy life with Sujeewa and two daughter for over five years very comfortably. In a television dialogue Ajit had said he enjoys the food prepared by Sujeewa mostly the Indian dishes which she takes only a short time to prepare. Ajit was addressed as “Ajja” had been impressed with the talents in music of Rose in particular had over a television dialogue had revealed she could sing to any melody. But unfortunately circumstances  had led to divorce Sujeewa and return to his former wife and family. 



As Sujeewa has not had an enjoyable  days as a youngster she is adamant to give the opportunity for her daughters to enjoy to hefty elevations. The trio daily at night used to discuss and exchange the happenings and experiences of the day which at times goes on till late night or until the wee hours of the morning. The elder daughter Anjali was sent to India for her ordinary levels  and then made her to obtain an degree in IT in a university. Anjali had confessed that her batchmates were used to request money from their parents constantly for internet and many other incidental expenses but as her mother sends money excessively Anjali  had not faced those issues .But she had been suffering from home sickness as communication facilities were not so advanced then like now. When Anjali returned to from India she had been pitch dark in complexion like Sujeewa when she was young. After treatment of the skin with appropriate injections and creams she had turned to a better complexion to her utmost satisfaction. Upon returning to the island as an IT consultant Sujeewa did not allow her to commence work had insisted her to stay at home had even given pocket money for her expenses. Sujeewa though had given her bank card to spend Anjali returns it unpunched when she enquires whether she did not eat and drink. Anjali though had close friends did not like to spend her mother’s money though Sujeewa had given sufficient money for her enjoyment with. But previously for a phase of three months or so Anjali had spent mother’s money but later had evaded doing it. Sujeewa’s belief is that if Anjali accepts a job she will not be able to enjoy life as she has to devote her entire time for the employer.


 Anjali had been attached to a girl’s school and then to a mixed school where she had been used to thrash her  school mates. It had been normal for the teachers to call Sujeewa to complain about Anjali’s behaviour. On such occasions Sujeewa reminisced that as in a few occasions, she had to punish her by beating her. Sujeewa reminisced that to get Anjali the education at an International school she had worked hard to earn money to meet expenses. Sujeewa recalled that to save money she had drunk plain tea instead on milk tea particularly as she need to drink about five cups of tea a day. This pattern she had continued at her office too. In this scenario Sujeewa during weekends forced Anjali to mix with friends to enjoy. This, Sujeewa recollected that when Anjali enjoys the satisfaction she receives is beyond belief. Sujeewa recalls sadly after Anjali leaves for a three day outing  with friends she used to call mother and request her to join her at faraway places like Galle. Once she evoked that Anjali having left for three days trip returns home after two days which is perhaps as she cannot stay away from home in particular  without mother. To Anjali home is the only happy place. However the three are a robust triangular bond though many including relations had endeavoured to break the rigid link of the trio but sans success. Sujeewa had said that even after marriage the couples should remain at home with her.Sujeewa when she goes to super market she always buys the duo something they like .She never allows the daughters to cook instead have told them only to arrange the bedrooms and wash the bathrooms. Sujeewa is a very capable cook who could complete cooking including Indian dishes very swiftly.


Anjali has had numerous friends mostly girls who used to visit home often. Sujeewa had known all who visited including their parents possessing  a detailed evidences on them as well as their parents. Among them had been a conspicuous well behaved male friend who has been a young qualified automobile engineer .As Sujeewa  and daughters too have a tremendous interest on  cars the  ‘Chutie Putha’ build cars and show to Sujeewa and family confirming his prowess in the automobile field.Sujeewa also having  the car maniac loved to hear the noises that are heard from the Cylance’s. ‘Chutie Putha’ is supposed to be the Sri Lanka’s only ‘Race Marshal”. The Chutie Putha; has had a lot of problems from home had been eliminated from home legally. He had been in a hostel and had fallen seriously ill while repairing a vehicle through slipping had fallen on him. Sujeewa had invited him to come to live with her.When he lived at Sujeewa’s dwelling she thaught his living with them was a huge strength to her as he attends to many areas in the absence of Sujeewa.She had added that ‘Chutie Putha; had taken over fifty percent of the multiple  household chaos. In addition even her accounts work of Sujeewa had been shielded by him.’Chutie Putha’ even prepares meals when Sujeewa is away at musical shows.In this manner a strong bond had developed between him and Sujeewa. Though he had worked in a motor repairing company he used to come home dirty which Sujeewa did not like. Sujeewa had told him to leave that place that she will buy him vehicles for him to repair and sell. At a television dialogue with Sujeewa and the daughters Anjali added that ‘Chutie Putha’ possesses exclusive qualities not seen in any other individual.


A few decades ago Sujeewa had deployed a  staunch Buddhist  as her domestic aid named Chandrika .As within the dwelling there had been many Hindu statues of many Gods  Chandrika had sought permission from Sujeewa to display a Buddha statue in a corner of her dwelling for her to worship . When permission was granted, the aid had placed a Buddha statue outside the main upstairs house to which she used to offer flowers and worship daily with utmost devotion. This aid used to go to a nearby Buddhist temple early morning to sweep the premises with superlative devotion. Chandrika had requested Sujeewa to arrange a three-wheeler in the early morning and deduct the charges incurred from her salary. One day Sujeewa had accompanied Chandrika to the temple to watch what she does. Sujeewa too had been impressed had joined Chandrika in the cleaning process she was indulged in. Sujeewa has conveyed that Chandrika’s efforts were from the bottom of her heart very utterly to her hearts content. Following Chandrika Sujeewa had been convinced about Buddhism  wanted to learn deeply about the Buddhist religion to be very acquainted. Had bought a lot of Buddhist books to read to enhance her knowledge in Buddhism. Sujeewa since is worshipping Lord Buddha by placing many huge Buddha statues inside her dwelling follows Buddhism as her second religion who now is a staunch Hindu-Buddhist for nearly two decades. Later on Sujeewa and family moved to a more spacious upstairs dwelling in Malabe where a separate room was allocated as the shrine room to which a very large Buddha statue was bought to worship.


Sujeewa though had impressed in a variety of fields her  studies in Dermatology and Cosmetology possessing degrees ,had assisted her to commence her own Salon “K Sujeewa skin whitening and slimming Salon” to treat the skin in particular  which she had concentrated mostly for nearly two decades having a trained staff in her Salon. The series of treatment for any lady to become fair is of a high standard to international levels. The treatment are for those born with a dark and tan complexions The treatment is predominantly for those born dark and tan to look fairer which the majority prefer to become. The dark complexion is attributed to possessing more melanin in the body which pop out particularly to sunlight. It is certain that melanin cannot be removed from the body.all together  Hence those dark in colour skins when exposed to sunlight becomes darker which does not affect much to those with a fair complexion. Ladies with good features prefer to have a fairer complexion to look much better. It is proven that melanin in the body cannot be removed with tablets, lotions or creams of Glutathione. Sujeewa’s treatment is not only with whitening injections but with a variety of treatments with lotions, creams that are not essentially made for Asian countries. Melanin in the skin  could only be controlled to sixty percent by the usage of Glutathione products. This product is harmless cannot kill hormones which to activate need vitamin ‘C’ and also a moisture content.



Many people think by injecting a Glutathione injection one could become fair ,which is incorrect They are been mislead. The treatment at the salon begins with cleaning the dark patches in the arm pits, knees, ankles etc need to be eliminated initially but not the scars .When initially with vitamin C and Glutathione cream is applied it prevent the popping out of melanin to some extent. Sujeewa’s treatment is more precise with whitening injection accompanied with treatment of skin  In Sri Lanka for our curries  we add many spices made from herbs in order to prevent or lower sugar, cholesterol levels. This is the reason for the delay in whitening process when whitening injections are taken. After the treatment one need not get exposed to the sun should took after self.In Sujeewa’s salon the treatment prolongs for a month with ten injections given every other day along with skin treatment. Those after treatment should adopt a new life style not to be exposed to the elements like dust, sunlight. Hence those after treatment as much as possible need to remain indoors. Sujeewa has advised to follow after the treatment with advise surfing the internet. Sujeewa is not money minded never mislead her patients, her main strategy is to satisfy the clients with complete dedication. Sujeewa is a person to be emulated as  she has not advertised her salon or circulated videos  but the message goes through by word of mouth of clients who were treated successfully to their desires. Sujeewa confirms that after twenty day she satisfies all  clients where skin whitening, ,removing pimples.in first layer second layer and third layer treatment to which Sujeewa possess qualifications and training to perform. Sujeewa does not take more than five persons monthly, for twenty days only for ten  whitening injections, body treatments for ten days and three months treatment with face cream, face wash and body lotion ,facial creams all available for sale at her Salon.She does not use bleach at her Salon which is a something that is used to make the skin white. These could be purchased from the market but no steroids in them sold by Sujeewa. Steroid medicines are used for many different medical conditions. Steroids can be given as creams/ointments (eg, for eczema or dermatitis), as a nasal spray (eg, for hay fever or allergic rhinitis), as inhalers (eg, for asthma), as tablets (eg, for inflammatory bowel disease) or as an injection (eg, for arthritis)


In year 2021 during the latter part of the Covid-19 era Sujeewa had been in tore with Gampaha Mahanama Thera a Upasampada thera who was an incumbent in a temple in Ruwanwella  area  who was  a very popular preacher of Buddhist Dharma sermons in television and radio channels The thera had possessed a lot of assets had been using a BMW for his travel. After serving the Buddha sasanaya for seventeen years has disrobed and married Sujeewa.This marriage had been a secret with hardly any photographs released to the media for viewing. When the Thera disrobed all temple assets had been handed over to the Buddha Sasanaya.But he has had a huge  sum of money amounting to about rupees five hundred lakhs earned from his Buddhist sermons.It was he after disrobing had written the lyrics of the last song sung by Sujeewa, The thera had changed his name to Nayana Wasula Wijesuriya had lived with Sujeewa’s family until his untimely death the other day when he had accompanied Sujeewa for the opening of the new Tattoo salon opening in Athurugiriya when Sujeewa was injured  been treated at the General Hospital.The last rites of Nayana Wasala was conducted by Sujeewa’s daughters and family friends and sympathisers in a solemn ceremony.


This article was written particularly for the public to know the remarkable journey of Karunaratnam Sujeewa from her younger days which majority of people would not know.It is simply a TRIBUTE to her at a time of her grief, wishing her a speedy recovery.


Sunil Thenabadu email sthenabadu@hotmail.com WhatsApp 0061444533242  domiciled in Brisbane migrated in year 2014


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