Multipotentiality person Visharada Lal Ananda Abeydheera Renowned Erudite Teacher ,A Grade Presenter par excellence, Lyricist, Programme presenter In a Unblemished Effervescent Voyage – By Sunil Thenabadu

Multipotentiality person SHRASTHRAPATHI Lal Ananda Abeydheera Renowned Erudite Teacher ,A Grade Presenter par excellence, Lyricist, Programme presenter In a Unblemished Effervescent Voyage – By Sunil Thenabadu

Visharada Lal Ananda Abeydheera

SHRASTHRAPATHI Lal Ananda Abeydheera Liyanage’s objective has been predominantly in illustration in fine arts and culture defining criticism between oriental and western music. Lal is perhaps the most erudite individual in the contemporary epoch who is exclusively well acquainted with all round music familiarity in the annals of archives in Sri Lanka. To be termed as such a scholarly person is as for his objective design in fine arts and culture via immense research creation in a comparison between traditional and modernism in music composition. Music as researched by Visharada Lal possesses its own literature which is called tonal fiction. It is expressed sans words. It is derived from oral science, linguistics, sociology, anthropology and micro bio musicology with evaluation of poetic phrasing and tonal language •As a music criticiser Lal evaluates, appraises  and analyses musical performances, recordings and compositions .Music critics act as a bond between musicians and audiences offering valuable feedback to assist artists to improve their expertise to tailor their work to better suit to diverse audience tastes. These reviews will obviously  inspire the public insight thereby contributing to development and growth of musical sensitivities.

Shrasthipathi Lal Ananda Abeydheera was born on 26th January 1963 a native of  Weeraketiya in southern province. Is one among nine siblings .Father Dharmapala Abeydheera deceased was attached as an Agricultural officer at the Agriculture Department, mother  Sujatha Wijeguneratne  was a teacher is alive, a nonagenarian in her early nineties . Lal from his primary education had studied in Weeraketiya neighbourhood v.i.z., Weerawila National school,Galagama Maha Vidyalaya, Wevrukannala Pirivena Vidya Institute and lately at Weeraketiya Rajapaksa Madhya Maha Vidyalaya. From where Lal after his triumph in the university entrance had entered to the  visual and performing arts university, thereafter to the Sri Jayewardenapura university for studying  fundamentally music  Lal is married to Sandya Bulathsinhala younger sister of renowned vocalist late Malini Bulathsinhala who is also a reputed songster and a music teacher by profession. The duo has a solitary son Sakuna Indupa.

Shrasthipathi Lal Ananda is  a  multipotentiality person with acclaimed multiple talents and creative pursuits and passions Lal has the ability to conduct interviews  in music with his active participation , teacher, A grade vocal singer at the SLBC , director of music in films and teledramas, organise musical shows, A grade presenter in SLRC, presenter of musical shows, ‘A’ grade music programme presenter, program producer at Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation , a music director (films, teledrama and stage plays)  script writer, lyricist and  composing music for  veteran Sri Lankan singers • Lal had being engaged in the fine arts and media field as a much reckoned authoritative critic, in music.

After graduation  from the university of visual and performing arts Lal Ananda Abeydheera had opted the teaching profession for which he has had an gigantic enthusiasm and positive knack  Lal was absorbed to Sri Lanka Teaching Service at the education department ( western province) with his qualifications as Bachelor of Fine Arts (music)University of visual and performing arts in year 1992, Thereafter had obtained writership and communication post graduate diploma in year1998 from the university of Sri Jayewardenepura, thereafter Master of arts also from the university of Sri Jayewardenepura in year 2008. With Lal’s professional qualifications and expertise was an automatic selection to many  positions ,had served lately as deputy director of Rajarata Sevaya SLBC in year 2020 to 2021. Prior to which Lal had served as the media coordinator and special cultural project officer to Hon. Minister Ranjith Somawansa, Ministry of western province education between year 2017- 2019. Lal had served as Media Secretary to Hon. Minister, Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine in year 2015, Media Secretary to Deputy Defence Minister and Hon. Prime Minister Rathnasiri Wickramanayake in year 2010, Programme Manager Rangiri Sri Lanka Dambulla in year 2009. Served as Head of department – programme TV Lanka in year 2007 Programme Manager Max Radio  between years 2006-2007 Special Announcer, Script Writer, Producer ‘Sirasa’ FM radio between year1994-2006  ‘A’ grade music programme presenter – Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation • ‘A’ grade vocal artiste – Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation • Having worked as a music director (Films, Teledrama and stage plays) and script writer, lyricist and composer of music  for many veteran Sri Lankan singers .Being engaged in the fine arts and media field as a critic Lal is a force to be reckoned with, in the arena of music.


Shrasthipathi Lal as an ‘A’ grade singer at the SLBC has productively recorded many songs evidencing his innate aptitude for singing and composition of music to tall boosts. To reminisce a few the music melody and composition of the song ‘Rosa Malak’ was one of his personal efforts. The theme song for the teledrama ‘Saman Kumari’ titled ‘Pradhathaye Sina’ the lyrics, music melody and composition were all his exertion. In the duet song with Anuradha Perera “Wasanthaya Oba Mage” also the lyrics, music , melody were all Lal’s energies and sweats Lal has been acclaimed as an A grade presenter at the SLRC too knowing his innate skills. Lal had directed music strikingly in teledramas v.i.z.,’Baba Ketu Heti’,’Muthu Manik’, ‘Saman Kumari’, in films ‘Bambara Senakeli’ and ‘Abhisheka’ the lyrics penned by Lal himself and Ananda Padmasiri. This film was released in April 2023.

Shrasthipathi Lal Ananda is awfully acquainted and knowledgeable in organising musical shows and taking the lead to present them too as a competent presenter conversant in the Sinhalese vernacular. It needs to be mentioned that his beloved wife Sandhya too is an accomplished songster like her deceased sister Malini Bulathsinhala. After a few years after her sudden demise Lal on his own initiative had organized many solo shows for Sandhya who had sung exclusively all songs of sister Malini Bulathsinhala to meticulousness sans any blemish or flaws. These shows had been patronized by huge packed enthusiastic audiences at popular venues as the Bishops auditorium, Ananda Samarakoon auditorium of the SLBC, Ananda Kularatne hall etc,It is pertinent to state that Sandhya had sung to almost precision all songs of sister Malini to delight the audiences. These shows were fittingly titled as “Me Rata Mage Rata”, “Sanda Ranga Madala”., ‘Voice of Malini”. To add more glamour, variety and variability to the latter in addition to Sandya Lal had added the aptitudes of Kasun Kalhara, Nelu Adhikari and Jagath Wickremasinghe which had made the musical show to be packed with diversity  All such musical shows  which were held at regular intervals were all compered by Lal himself acknowledging his aptitude and skill as a presenter proving his multi-faceted flairs beyond any doubt. It is pertinent to state that Lal had singlehandedly organized and presented these musical shows. Lal had shouldered the entire accountabilities which assignment that could not be performed straightforwardly by a solitary individual.

The musical show “Sanda Ranga Madala” organised by Lal was held at the Bishops Auditorium in year 2017 which was presented by Lal himself as usual, was a musical concert with an immense variance .The manner it commenced with a friendly dialogue Lal  had with vocalist Priyanwada Madubashini and Ayomi Shanika which was foreign to many as a new concept. During the entirety of the concert Lal allowed those mostly a young generation in the audience  to comment on Kasun Kalhari’s songs who came out with very interesting facts about Kasun Kalhara and his singing. One in the audience did add that Kasun is indisputably the vocalist of the younger generation. One lady added that to her Kasun Kalhara’s songs to her is simply a meditation. One in the audience said to change his singing style similarly another added he needs to adopt  Latin American style the music of which encompasses  wide variety of styles .The entire success of this concert should befall on Lal who did the main labour in his inimitable diverse pattern of presentation. Shrasthipathi Lal Abeydeera as an A grade presenter of the SLRC had compered many musical programs when many steadfast vocalists had participated.

Lal Ananda is proficient of other aptitudes  in making speeches sans groundwork as words simply flows, comes to his mind snappishly at appropriate moments speaking to the point and to precision.. He is proficient in bestowing instantly welcome addresses as he did at musician Sagara Wijesinghe felicitation, the musician who had succeeded Lal as the music lecturer at the university of visual and performing arts .During his speech Lal emphasized on his music skills adding that Sagara is a musician of the ‘dynamic’ type only second to Rookantha Gunatilleke’s type of music. Lal had made many felicitations to many musicians like HM Jayawardene according to Lal was born a musician with innate flair for music a infrequent musician born who understood clearly the “Kaviya” within the song and the song within the “Kaviya”. Likewise Lal had made many ‘Pranama’s to many individuals mainly artists successfully.Many of them could be viewed on you tube which are all exclusive only to Lal. His eloquence in the Sinhalese vernacular is well exhibited when one listens to his speeches. At times one would feel the Sinhalese vernacular is at the very high standard with words simply flowing in a graceful procession .Visharada has had discussions with many pandits in the field had spoken on the gigantic contributions made to music by legendary RA Chandrasena,

The above is proved and illustrated when Shrasthipathi Lal Abeydheera explains the evolution of the song from the eighteenth century which he explained clearly with his fluency in the Sinhalese vernacular in the videos ‘Tone of Art ‘episode I, episode 2 and episode 3 which could be heard and viewed in the you tube explained by him clearly for around fifteen minutes in each episode.. These explanations further proves Shrasthipathi Lal  Ananda Abeydheera’ s competency in the evolution of  Sinhalese songs and on his expertise aptitude in this field too.

In year 2023 Shrasthipathi .Lal Ananda Abeydheera had retired from the government service but he continues to divulge his immense music knowledge to students in the university of visual and performing arts as  a visiting lecturer which he attends with high contentment. But He will continue with utmost enthusiasm to contribute his skills in music, presenting and authoring for the benefit of the masses. All his followers would wish him good health and longevity.

Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane

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