The late Rev. John Blaze and Hugh Aldons

The late Rev. John Blaze and Hugh Aldons

Below  is  an  excerpt  of  an  email  I  recd.  re.  the  late  Hugh  Aldons   and  his  tragic  demise .  He  passed  away  3.30  pm.  last  Thursday ( day  before yesterday ) .  His  former  wife  Ione  is  also  in  a  serious  condition.

Tragic  occurrences  seem  to  be  the  order  of  the  day !

“  last Tuesday, he appears to have tripped over after exiting his separate shower cubicle and fallen into the bath in his unit (where he lived independently alone) albeit at age 99 years! He was found, with no apparent external injuries,  by his daughter Sonia when she arrived for a visit to check on him. She called an ambulance and he was eventually taken to the Valley Hospital, Dandenong North, where he appeared lucid and could communicate. But later, they noticed he began slurring his speech so he underwent a head scan which revealed a slight brain bleed. He had obviously struck his head in the fall, and was hence transferred to South Eastern Hospital for observation, treatment and palliative care, but sadly did not survive much longer. Yesterday we heard from Sonia that , poor Aunt Ione (now 91) was yesterday found bleeding heavily by her granddaughter, Kate, (one of Michael’s daughters) who lived with Ione. Kate called an ambulance and she was taken to Cabrini for examination and treatment. In the absence of further news about her, we assume she is still there. So, it has been a very distressing and sad time for that whole family, especially for Sonia, their only surviving sibling and principal carer, who lives in Williamstown, so has always had a long way to travel to see her much loved parents and Michael!

The  Rev. JOHN  LOUIS  BLAZE   Founder  and  Life  Member of The  A C F  Inc.  8th. October 1934  –  16th. May  2024


A  dedicated  servant  of  his  Divine  Master  and  also,  of  his  community, John  made  himself  available  when  ever  and  where  ever  required. As  such,  he  was  associated  with  several  Community  activities  and  organisations   in  addition  to those  connected  with  his  Ministry.

John’s  parents , the  late  Benjamin Blaze  and  the  late  Dorrit  Blaze, migrated  to  Australia  in  the  1950s  with  their  three  sons.  John  was  a  teenager  then  . His  brother Carel   qualified  as  a  Dental Surgeon  and   established  himself  in  Knox  City . Carel  later  became  the  Mayor  of  Knox City. The  other  brother  died  under  tragic  circumstances.

Benjamin  Blaze , an  English  scholar, was  a  Senior  Master  in  some  of  the  premier  Colleges  in  Sri Lanka.  John, thus  had  the  rare  privilege  of  attending , among  others ,  two  premier  Colleges –  S. Thomas’ College  in  Mt. Lavinia  and , Royal  College  in  Colombo.

Unlike  most  Sri Lankan  migrants here  who  were  concerned  with  their  own  welfare  John’s  parents,  Benjamin  and  Dorrit, were  more  concerned  with  the  hardships  and  suffering  their  Burgher  community  in  Sri Lanka  was  being  subjected  to  because  of  the prevailing   racial  tensions  there  then.  Several  distinguished  Burghers  had  their  employment  terminated  and  the  community  as  a  whole  was  disadvantaged  in  many  ways.  Benjamin  and  Dorrit, together  with their  sons  and  a  few  other  Burgher  Stalwarts  here  founded  the  Australia  Ceylon  Fellowship             ( ACF)  in  1957  with  the  sole  purpose  of  helping  Burghers  to  migrate  from  Sri Lanka  and  settle  down  in  Australia. The  ACF  was  the  first  Ceylon  ( Sri Lanka )  Community  organisation  established  here  in  Victoria,   and  possibly  through -out  Australia  then  , with  helping disadvantaged  Ceylonese ( Sri Lankans )  to  Migrate  as  its  main  objective. Aided  by  some  prominent  Australians the  ACF  was  quite  successful  in  achieving  this.

John , with  a few  breaks  between  ,  was  actively  connected  with  the  ACF  through  its  67  years  of  service  to  the  Sri Lankan  community  here,  and  in  Sri Lanka  also.  He  was  elected  President  in  1977, 1978 , 1979  and  1992 . He continued  to  maintain  a  close  interest  in  the  activities  of  the  ACF, a  legacy  left  by  his  parents. In  1981  John  was  elevated  to  Life Membership  in  recognition  of  his  long, continuous  service  to  the  ACF.

John  has  represented  the  ACF  at  several  important  meetings  convened  by  the  Federal  and  State  Governments  of  Australia , by  the  Migration  Department  of  Victoria,  by  the  Ethnic  Communities  Council  of  Victoria,  by  the  World  Council  of  Churches,  et al..

In  his  connections  with  the  Sri Lankan  ( Ceylonese )  community  here , John  did  not  confine  his  interest  and  activities to  the  ACF  only . He  and  his parents  were  founder  Members  of  the  Burgher  Association  of  Australia  Inc. , another  Sri Lankan  community  organisation .

His  pleasant  personality  and  ready  smile  endeared  him  to  many  of  his  congregation  and  colleagues. His  stentorian voice  enabled  him  to  be  heard  loud  and  clear. ! They  were  attributes  which  served  him  well  in  his  service  as  a  Minister  of  the  Church.   He served in  the  Church  Ministry  of    several  suburbs  around  Victoria.         .  Farewell,  John.   Rest  in  Peace  with The  Master  you  served.’    

ESTO  PERPETUA.    Chris. J. LawtonC. Eng. ( Lond.).,  Order of Australia    Life Member  ACF. Inc.

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