SUNDAY CHOICE – More Than Life I Love Thee Lord – By Charles Schokman

SUNDAY CHOICE – More Than Life I Love Thee Lord – By Charles Schokman

SUNDAY CHOICE - Be Thou My Guide & Vision - By Charles Schokman - eLanka

Image Source : youtube

“Your love means more than life to me, and I praise you as long as I live, I will pray to you”

 Psalms 63: 3-4

More Than Life I Love Thee Lord.

To love God more than life means to love God with your emotions. Praising him with your happiness, smile, and gratitude is easy when things are going well. Like when you perceive an answer to prayer or one of life’s good gifts comes your way, but how about when things aren’t going so well? ALL your heart means at ALL times. Even when God seems quiet. Even when he says wait. And even when he says no. And, yes, even when bad things happen. Continuing to love God even when bad things happen or when good things don’t happen is key to a life of contentment. You don’t have to be happy “for” the bad thing. You just have to see through that bad circumstance to the God who wants to comfort you and will never leave you nor forsake you.

SUNDAY CHOICE - Be Thou My Guide & Vision - By Charles Schokman - eLanka

Image Source : youtube

Loving God at all times is a day-to-day learning process. We learn more and more how to do it and keep on doing it a little each day. Until soon you can say with the Apostle Paul, I am content no matter what. I can live on almost nothing and I can live with everything. The secret of living in every situation is remembering that I can do everything, I can live through anything, and I can even overcome—through Christ who gives me strength, sustenance, and courage (Philippians 4:11-13). The root word of courage is “cor” which is Latin for “heart.” Living with courage and heart daily is a good way to remind yourself to love God.

Another way of saying love the Lord your God  more than life is to love Him with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength and to seek the Kingdom of God above all else.  Courtesy of Jennifer Heeren.                              

Pray this clip will be a Blessing to you. 

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