THE SALTERNS OF LANKA – By Prashanth Sentilkumar

THE SALTERNS OF LANKA – By Prashanth Sentilkumar


Source : Prashanth Sentilkumar Linkedin

An Island surrounded by the Indian ocean,

Sri lanka’s association with Salt dates back millenias. There is evidence for usage of salt in the island dating back to around 25000 years , during the excavation of the Belilena caves,a few sea shells were found with rockSalt deposits pointing to the possibility of the usage of salt in ancient times.

The Mahavamsa (ancient chronicles) states the term “Ussangoda”, which means salttarns or salt pans which was in existence during the reign of King Pandukabhaya, around the 4th century BCE, it was located in the hambantota District.

Also the Vinayaka Pataka mentions about sea salt being used in ancient times.


During the 3rd century BCE , the Kingdoms of Anuradapura and Polonaruwa were renowned for Salt productions which was harvested in shallow brine pools known has Lunama. The Portugese,Dutch and then the British expanded and created the salt mining industry. In modern times Puttalam and Hambantota districts are renowned for salterns .

Puttalam is known as the Salt City and in ancient times was referred to as Uppuththalam or salt Plains. Salt production as a commercial industry took off in hambantota the 1930s when Leornad Wolf ,brought all production of salt at the salterns under the salt department.

Salt today is produced through the solar evaporation method and are found in coastal belts and also saltwater lagoons, mainly at, Puttalam,Mannar Kalpitiya, Hambantota, and also Trincomalee.

It is estimated around 150,000 metric tonnes of salt is produced per annum in the country , out of which around 120,000 metric tonnes is used for consumption.


Salt contains important chemicals that are needed for the body and prevents goiter. Taking salt in recommend quantities is beneficial and a requirement for a healthy life.

The story of Salt in Sri lanka is magnificent, it has become part and parcel of our day to day life. After all where would we be without salt.




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