AUSTRALIA DAY …. “Advance Austaralia Fare” Renderings-by Michael Roberts

AUSTRALIA DAY …. “Advance Austaralia Fare” Renderings-by Michael Roberts





Michael Roberts

The new version of the Australian National Anthem (Advance Australia Fair) sung in both an Aboriginal dialect and English by a cast of Australians including Casey Donovan, Deltra Goodrem, John Foreman, Jeremy Fernandez and Amber Lawrence at the Australia Day Live 2022 celebrations on 26th January 2022. Set to a background of spectacular fireworks. The lyrics of the official National Anthem of Australia were updated by the Australian Government on the 1st January 2021. The change was to amend the line “For we are young and free” to “For we are one and free”. Australian National Anthem: Australians all let us rejoice, For we are one and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. Beneath our radiant Southern Cross We’ll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands; For those who’ve come across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.


Cf: Danno Budunge …. as presented by Kishani Jayasinghe recorded live at Galle Face, February 2015 …. A performance that sparked a nation wide debate and discussion about culture, the influence of politics and racial mindsets, the treatment of women in Sri Lanka, and ethical boundaries of journalism. Soprano Kishani Jayasinghe singing Danno Budunge in Sinhala, recorded live at the 68th Independence Day celebrations, Galle Face Green, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

& Hymn for Sri Lanka … presented by the Aglow Generation ….

Hymn for Sri Lanka – Produced & Sung by Aglow Generations Choir. – Aglow International Sri Lanka. This Song was done during the most hard times in our nations, so we declare a blessing upon our Beautiful Nation of Sri Lanka, may there be peace in the borders, as the Lord reigns over our land we have hope, healing and restoration. This recording was done for the Annual Conference “Anchored to the Rock” August 2021

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