A Heartwarming response – to the article “YULETIDE – BY CHARMAINE CANDAPPA”

A Heartwarming response – to the article “YULETIDE – BY CHARMAINE CANDAPPA”

Dear Charmaine,

Thank you for sharing your childhood memories with us and for your best wishes. You definitely had an amazing time while you were growing up.

I also recall fondly the Christmas days I spent in Sri Lanka. I lived in a town that was equally populated with Christians. My wonderful neighbors with nine children were Christians. Their Christmas celebrations were elaborate. Being as curious as I am, I would always actively participate in their celebrations, including joining them and going around my town visiting various households singing the Carol. This was one of the few times my parents would allow me to go around the city in the middle of the night with others.

As liberal-minded as they were, we also celebrated Christmas in our own way. My father would bring a Christmas tree home and decorate it with lights. By the way, he loved lights the way I do. My parents will place the gifts underneath the tree. I had to wait till Christmas Day to open them. The suspense was unbearable. The bon-bons were my favorite gift.

Every now and then, we will be in Columbo celebrating Christmas with my aunt, who usually celebrates Christmas. She was an amazing gourmet cook. Christmas was her reason to cook, serve and share the food. We looked forward to eating her cakes during Christmas. She’ll have some programs for us, going to the Dehiwala zoo or roaming around Galle Face during Christmas.

Living in my hometown Uduvil, partly a Christian town, I will attend Christmas service with my friends. I will often visit their houses and devour the amazing food they cook and serve with kindness.

Overall, every Christmas was a joyous occasion for me. I am sure it is for you and Hillary wherever you are.

Kalpana and I wish Hillary and you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We look forward to seeing you at Christine’s place this Christmas.

Take care and kind regards,


Nanda and Kalpana

Here is the original article – https://www.elanka.com.au/yuletide-by-charmaine-candappa/


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