“THE COLLEGE HALL” – by Des Kelly

“THE COLLEGE HALL” – by Des Kelly


"THE COLLEGE HALL" – by Des Kelly

Once again, brings back many precious memories of my Alma Mater, even though I was not in College for many years, leaving, to run away from it, (& home)when just fifteen and a half years old, to join an English Circus Troup who were set to tour the Island, under contract to Donavan Andree.

Be that, as it may, I recall this magnificent College hall, where, under Rev.Fr. Noel Cruz and Pappa De Niese, I sang in the College Choir, also did various ‘solo’ concerts, entertaining hundreds of people who loved the Venue, for it’s comfort, compared to many other halls around.

My thanks go out to both Keith Bennett and Algi Wijewickrema for helping us at e’Lanka to ‘show-off’

our College Hall at St.Peter’s College, Bambalapitiya.


Desmond Kelly.(Mr.Music).

(Editor-in-Chief).   e’Lanka.


    Closing  Of The Centenary Year  – Photos That Could Not Be Included in The Centenary Publication  – by Algi Wijewickrama   


College Hall

Source: Pre-Seventies Peterites

The Hall This is the follow up of my previous post re the grounds and the hall and here I bring you photos of the College Hall (some already published in the Centenary Publication). Known as the Assembly Hall back then, it was the largest at the time and was much in demand for shows and plays, not only by the Peterites. It was refurbished in 1982 and is now fittingly named D J Nicholas Perera Hall after its creator.

The pictures are of (1) and (2) blessing and laying of the foundation stone by His Grace the Archbishop, Most Rev. Dr. Pierre (Peter) Marque, (3) and (4) the hall as it looked back then, (5) and (6) the interior photographed from two different directions, (7) Fr. Basil Wiratunga presenting the Prize Report (roll down background screens visible clearly) and (8) the Jayasekaras – Primson (father) and sons Perin and Gerrinus performing in harmony at the Fun-O-Rama in 1960.


College Hall

College Hall

College Hall

College Hall

College Hall

College Hall


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