Faith, Hope & Inspiration.- By Noor Rahim

Faith, Hope & Inspiration. – By Noor Rahim

Faith, Hope & Inspiration.

NOOR R. RAHIMAlmighty God sent into this mortal world the “Divine Message” of Goodness, Righteousness and Peace through Faith, Hope and Inspiration; and most importantly the Belief in “One God”. This “Message” was conveyed to the peoples through his designated/chosen “Messengers” at various successive periods of time on Mother Earth; to remind us mortals in the concept of “One Supreme God”. It so happens that the “Messages” and “Messengers of God” emanated from one focal point in History, in the Middle East; very soon to spread throughout the Universe and enveloping mankind regardless of caste, colour or creed.

The Messages brought down from the Heavens by these “Messengers of the Almighty” were supreme, pristine and full of guidance for the Faithfull. It showed the “Way of Life” in its goodness; and in supplication to the Good Lord by His devotees. The “Message” of Faith, Hope and Inspiration was propagated throughout the Universe through “conviction” and some through “compulsion” and yet some through “regimentation”.

With the passage of time; the mantle of continuance fell on the capable hands of the “Disciples of the Faith” who dedicatedly and enthusiastically carried on the great teachings of their “Masters”. But with the ebb of time the mortals in their assumed infinite wisdom/cleverness began to translate the “divine teachings”. Hence entered the various interpretations that led to the formation and establishment of various sects; within a Faith.

Some of the interpretations were subtle and some had deeper rifts thrown into the “Divine Teachings”. These interpretations no doubt also carried with them the animosity with the other “Faiths”. Even though all Faiths were sent down to Earth by God Mighty with the Divine Message of Goodness, Righteousness and Peace through Faith. In some cases the Preachers of the Faith interpreted some of the teachings meant for the period of time that the Faith was established, for Mankind; and they unfortunately keep astutely referring to and preaching these somewhat archaic principles meant for that period of time. Thus bringing to mind that age old saying of “rules are for the guidance of the wise and obedience of fools”.

Into this fray there is another very important aspect that appears to have got lost in the interpretations. Religion is the Faith of Goodness that has been conveyed to the human beings on the Earth; but in no way is it supposed to impose on the culture of the various peoples that inhabit Mother Earth; perhaps only on the custom of a Race that pertains to ” idol worship” that has been frowned upon.

But as human beings we do have our moments of weaknesses. We must ask ourselves if we are the true followers of the principles laid out by our faith; in a most diligent and prescribed manner of our Faith. Or do we only seek and remember our Creator in the time of need?  Do we sincerely have our Faith ingrained in us from within or is the show of Faith just a facade without any concrete foundations? These questions I leave in the hands of the learned reader/s.

Faith, Hope & Inspiration.

There presently is another type of Faith that is very prevalent and appears to be fast growing. That is the number of folks that have put their Faith in “gambling” (inclusive of Raffle Lotteries that are a total sell-out before the closing dates). If one was to only see the line-ups at the Lottery Booths in a Mall or Convenience Store one could see the line-ups for the purchase of all types of lottery tickets. You even see them in the Food Courts “scratching” away at handfuls of “scratch & win cards”. If you are fortunate enough you will also see Luxury Buses (Junkets) picking up potential Gamblers for onward transit to the Casinos. One only wonders if they do form line-ups like this at the places of worship of their dedicated and devoted Faiths. Perhaps their prayers would be for winning at the lottery; and one hopes the prayers are as intense and sincere, in their supplications to the Good Lord as well. The belief in “Hope springs eternal” seems to be foremost in their minds; is how one can see it; in this habit of gambling. It can only be assumed that Faith, Hope and Inspiration (in winning a lottery) is followed by this category of folks – even though it is against the Principles of any of the leading Religious Faiths.

In summarizing it is felt that we tend to remain “tunnel-sighted” when we come to following our Faiths in the sense that most of us have inherited our Faith through our Ancestry and are regimented/destined to follow only the Faith we are born into. We are also to an extent influenced by the Media and other Religious Leaders who in my opinion are as tunnel-sighted or have agendas of their own. One must remember that all Faiths teach human beings in the “Divine Message” of Goodness, Righteousness and Peace through Faith, Hope and Inspiration; and most importantly the Belief in “One God”; as is all well dictated in any of the Religious Scriptures. One has to only follow the under-mentioned guidelines in interpreting the “Divine Message” sent by the Good Lord:

“Read the Holy Scriptures with Goodness & Good Intentions in your heart

and You will reap and spread the goodness that is written therein

Read the Holy Scriptures to fulfill your own agenda of selfishness & greed

and You shall sow the seed of discontent & discord thereon”

So please give your thought to studying not only the Holy Scriptures of your own Faith:  but get a simple knowledge of the other Faiths too and you will inculcate/cultivate mutual Trust and Respect for the other Faiths as well. This will no doubt enhance the old saying of “Peace on Earth & Goodwill among Human Beings”. For knowledge will no doubt overcome misunderstandings that are prevalent in these days of strife and animosity.


Noor Rahim

13th April, 2015

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