The year 2022 has now been consumed by the sunset of remorseless time. And in its place, has emerged yet another year; hopefully one that will usher in the promise of a better future.

But then, one knows not what the future holds, although we know who holds the future.

The past twelve months was one, many if not all, would rather choose to chalk up to an experiment gone horrendously wrong.

There was blood, sweat, tears and fears, not to mention brutality, killings, injustice, discrimination and wanton destruction.

Given below, are some of the more important events that stood out conspicuously.

Ukraine: The year kicked off with the illegal and unjustifiable invasion of the former Soviet Union’s republic Ukraine, on February 24.2022, on the say-so of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who decided to flex his military muscle.

The invasion which continues to gain momentum in leaps and bounds, shows no signs of abating anytime soon. The consequences arising therefrom, has left and continues leaving, a long trail of abject misery and heartache, in its collective wake.

Its a tragic state of affairs, which has stirred and shocked the world’s conscience to its core

Iran: The alleged killing of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini by Iran’s “Morality Police” for failing to wear the hijab, which is supposedly a breach

of the Sharia Law, stirred up considerable anger among a multitude of Iranians, resulting in violent protests, that led to security forces opening fire, in addition to water canons and teargas canisters been used indiscriminately.

Afghanistan: Since overthrowing former Afghan President Ashraff Ghani, the much-feared Taliban has made its presence felt in no uncertain terms. Notwithstanding assurances, that the leadership will work towards the common good of the people and give women their rightful place in society, the political powers-that-be have reneged on their pledges and are reportedly more stringent.

Myanmar: The plight of the Rohingyas who were deemed stateless and who were marginalised by Myanmar’s military Junta, is nothing short of tragic. More than 900,000 who fled Myanmar back in 2017, continue living in overcrowded camps in impoverished Bangladesh, subject to inhumane conditions.

Death of Queen Elizabeth II: Queen Elizabeth who had been described as the “Coolest Monarch” passed away at the age of 95. Having served for over 70 years, Her Royal Highness won the admiration and respect of millions the world over, from all walks of life.

Death of “King” Pele: The world lost one of it’s most noblest sons, the soccer fraternity one of its most fleet-footed and Brazil one of it’s best. Pele scored over a thousand goals during his illustrious career that spanned decades. He left his indelible footprint on the hallowed turf of each and every soccer field he graced.

China: Despite initially denying reports of the spread of Covid-19, Chinese President Xi Jinping has finally come clean; admittjng that there has been a surge in the number of cases.

Fiji: There has been a change in the Fijian leadership with former coup leader Sitiveni Rabuka been elected, despite claims of vote rigging at the outset. We wish him well.

Australia: Labour Party’s Anthony Albanese became the country’s Prime Minister, replacing Scott Morrison of the Liberal Party.

Australia’s former Labour Party Prime minister Kevin Rudd has been appointed Australia’s ambassador to the United States of America.

United Kingdom: Rishi Sunak of Indian origin, succeeded Elizabeth Truss as the youngest ever to enter No 10 Downing Street.

Sri Lanka: Following the political upheaval in Sri Lanka which led to islandwide protests, ( otherwise dubbed Aragalaya) President Gotabaya Rajapakse was forced to flee the country after the President’s Palace was stormed by disgruntled mobs, who blamed the president for economic mismanagement, galloping inflation and soaring cost of living.

Tamil family granted permanent residency: The Nadesalingam family comprising the husband, wife and two young daughters (who were born in Australia), were granted permanent residency by the Albanese government on compassionate grounds, despite some claiming that it could set a precedent. They have since made Biloela their home.

Famed journalist Barbara Walters, Actor James Caan, former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright, former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, cricketing icons Shane Warne, Andrew Symonds, Sir Sidney Poitier and singer Meatloaf, we

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