1960s Art

1960s Art

1960s Art-eLanka

This is an artwork seen at Retford Park, Bowral NSW,  hung on the wall of the residence of James Fairfax former owner of Fairfax Media.
It is one of many paintings hung in his dining room where he had entertained many, including Heads of State and guests . 

Mr Fairfax had given his collection of  paintings now worth millions of dollars from the posh house in Bowral NSW to the government to be  opened to the public. The artwork is by famed Australian Artist Donald Friend who had lived in Sri Lanka in the 1960s.

Amongst the other works this is one of the most colourful paintings by him. I don’t think you need an explanation to what the painting is about?
This shows how he saw Mr. Bandaranaike’s fate and where he ended up.

The volunteer tour guides at this National Trust of Australia owned residence  had no idea what it means.   

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