The Khaki is more at odds than even in the Battle of the Blues, just as much as their colours do not blend easily.  Big match fever accentuates their disparity.  Trucking is the problem, apart from much else.  Often a discordant note is struck between the police and the boys, when trucking is on.  But these very clashes have kept alive the history of the ‘battle’ and their chronicling over the years.  Wardens and Principals have tried valiantly to keep these exchanges on a low even keel.  They explain that this ‘Battle’ is only a game between two schools; that cricket is like life, but it is not life.  The match is just that, only one among many other games with other schools, we are told.  After all, between Eton and Harrow, the cricket match is not a ‘Battle’ of Blues or of any other colour.  What then? Here the ...

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