Humble Onions and its health flavored benefits

Humble Onions and its health flavored benefits

Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-health writer

Have you ever found a kitchen with no onions? That would be like a Pub with no beer. Onions are always kept open on a ‘wattiya’ (open basket) or laid over a newspaper to keep fresh, dry, well ventilated place for quick access. They should not be stored in plastic bags. Whole peeled onions should be refrigerated at 40degF or below. Onions would be the first ingredient that would be chopped or cut to make any Asian cuisine and even salad.

There are the small onions, strong in flavor and a must in the preparation of ‘Pol Sambol’ though cumbersome to remove the skin of each one at a time. Some wear a mask and goggles to avoid the tears from the smarting eyes, or you could keep the whole onions in the fridge for half an hour before peeling. Then there are the large onions we call ‘Bombay onions’ for some reason though they are not imported from Bombay. They have a red skin and there are the white ones and the yellows. For some reason whites are cheaper than the soft red ones. Red onions are the easiest to peel.

It is the unique flavor after stir frying in oil that the Chef’s liken to call them a super ingredient for all foods.

Onions have plenty of vitamin C though hasn’t got the sour pungent taste like the oranges, limes or lemons. A medium sized onion has 20% vitamin C, which are quite a lot compared to most other plant foods.

They have phytochemicals like most fruits and veggies. Phytonutrients is a broad term used for a variety of compounds produced by plants. Some researchers estimate that there are up to 4,000 phytonutrients. Antioxidants are also phytonutrients present much in onions. Flavonoids, phytochemicals, flavones, are flavones, anthocyanins and allyl sulphides are others, all seems to be present in onions to provide varying health benefits.

Studies have shown that these phytochemicals in onions and other fruits and veggies may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular events, including stroke.

Quercetin is another flavonoid in onions. It is a bioflavonoid found in most fruits and veggies, but the highest levels are found in apples and onions. It has anti-oxidant, anti-atherogenic, and anti-carcinogenic properties. Anti-oxidants fights against the free radicals formed during daily activities and boost the immune system. By atherogenic property, we mean that it prevents thickening of arteries from plaque formation. Eating plenty of onions daily prevents cardio-vascular events and stroke.

Quercetin in onions is attracting intense scientific interest for its unique anti-aging and immune-boosting potencies. Those who eat lot of onions daily seem to live longer due to its high concentration of quercetin.

IN addition studies have revealed that quercetin in onions, green tea and tomatoes has been found to be cancer chemopreventive, as well as anti-allergic reactions and over all protector, including cardiovascular effects.

Quercetin in onions and other plant foods lowers cholesterol and fights atherosclerosis. Animal and human studies have shown that quercetin in onions as supplements can reduce dangerous accumulations of abdominal and liver fat, the result of decreased oxidative stress and inflammation.

Asthmatics should eat plenty of onions. Quercetin in the onions seems to relax the airways and make breathing easy.

Onions seem to lower your blood pressure and thin the blood due to sulfur content in the onions. Sulfur is considered a natural blood thinner and prevents platelets adhering to each other. Similar action occurs from aspirin and most fruits containing salicylates.
Sulfur seems to be anti-inflammatory agent, according to a 1990 study in the journal International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology.

Onions and garlic not only are your allies in the kitchen, they are also allies in the bedroom. They help you to make more and better sperms. Onions raise levels of male hormone testosterone that triggers your body to make the hormone
Diabetics should eat plenty of onions due to its chromium content which assists in regulating blood sugar through enhancing insulin activity. Sulfur in onions also seems to lower blood sugar levels from increased stimulation to produce more insulin.
There is one problem eating lot of onions in your food. They tend to cause gas and bloating, which clears in no time and should not be a problem.

Those who suffer from GERD should be careful in eating too much of raw onions as the heartburn may worsen.
Some people could get allergic symptoms such as itchy eyes, skin rashes after eating onions. This immune reaction generally subsides with lessening the quantity eaten in your food.

Conclusions: Now that you know the health benefits of eating onions, the benefits of knowing also potentiates its benefits.
Please do not eat raw onions with your food before a social function, especially if you have to dance close with your partner-okay!

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