Good advice by Dr harold Avoid eating processed meat.

Good advice by Dr harold Avoid eating processed meat.

The meat you buy at the butcher is fresh frozen meat brought from the abettor, and eating once in a while causes no problems to your health. On the other hand there are processed meats like smoked ones, cured with chemicals, salted ones, and dried and preserved. Hot dogs, bacon, sausages, salami ham, corned beef are all processed meats that are harmful and dangerous. These processed meats should be avoided at all times. Several studies have shown that eating processed meats are linked to a variety of health problems like diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancers. You may have heard that eating sausages frequently can cause pancreatic cancer and large bowel cancer.

Eating bacon seems to increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Using high salt in the processing may be the culprit. Also, chemicals like nitrates are also used to process meats and may be responsible for the high incidence of diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Moreover, the high fat content in processed meat is bad for your heart.

Studies have shown that eating cold cuts like sliced ham, beef, chicken and turkey are preserved with salt, sugar, and seasoning are bad for your health. You should use natural fresh unprocessed sliced meats without preservatives like salt, nitrates and others.

Hot dogs are popular at sports scenes, carnivals, and by the road side in caravans during winter times in most Western countries. They are popular in barbecues and picnics. Eating this sort of meat frequently is a risk for diabetes, coronary heart disease, including obesity and hypertension.

Chicken Nuggets in fast food joints are processed meat. Avoid eating such food. Pizzas have peperoni toppings. This is processed meat full of salt, sugar, saturated fat that can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease and cancer, if you indulge more frequently. Go for vegetarian pizzas much safer and healthier.

In most affluent homes for breakfast the favourite foods are sausages, eggs and pancakes or bread with a spread of butter. Eating such continental breakfasts daily can give rise to obesity, hypertension, heart disease and cancer. It is advisable to enjoy a plate of oats with hot milk with added fruits like bananas, strawberries, blue berries and so on which is much healthier, even to eat every morning. Meat processed or unprocessed has no fibre. Oats give you about 4 grams of fibre per

Hamburgers from fast food joints serve a low quality meat from cows that have been raised and treated with antibiotics and growth hormones. Most hot food chains do advertise that their meats are from cattle that are not given growth hormones and antibiotics. Believe this propaganda with a pinch of salt.

Limit such hot food to once a week

There are many other names given to processed meat foods such as Vienna sausages made from spiced chicken, pork and beef, Devilled ham full of salt, and nitrate preservatives, canned beef, among others.

Avoiding all red meat products processed or even fresh should be avoided as daily food. Become a vegetarian you live longer healthily.

First you eat meat, then meat eats you are a famous truthful saying. Ref:

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